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-Wednesday morning-

"Rise and shine, Chamberlain."

Emma groaned upon hearing Ethan's Drill-Sergeant-tone of voice while wiggling her shoulder.

"Come on. Got a two mile run this morning. Let's go," he barked.

"Oh God! Stop shaking me." He only shook her harder. "I mean it, Ethan, STOP!" She turned over to face him and he let go of her immediately.

"Are you okay?" His smile instantly turned to a frown over seeing her so deathly pale. She had beautiful ivory skin as it was... but this was... pale.

"I really don't feel so good right now."

"I'm sorry, babe." He smoothed her hair back from her face. "C'mere, sit up for a minute." She shook her head but he insisted and helped her upright. "Do you think it was that wrap you ate last night?" He felt sick just seeing the guy make it, never mind the fact he couldn't watch her eat it either.

"It's gotta be." She huffed. "God, that was stupid of me... but it sounded so good at the time." He started rubbing her back in circles, his beautiful brown eyes so full of concern it drew a smile from her.

"How about some breakfast? Some toast to soak up the acid in your stomach?"

"Okay, Dr. Dolan." She rolled her eyes teasingly at him.

"I'm serious, Emma. It should help."

"I know-I know just... give me a minute. I don't want to move right now."

"Okay." Inching his body closer to hers, he gently held her waist and checked her head to be sure she wasn't running a fever. "How about you lay back down? I'll go look around your mom's kitchen, rustle something up for you?" She leaned into his touch and nodded.

He helped her back under the covers then went downstairs.

"Good morning, Sophia... Michael." He nodded to each of her parents.

"Good morning, dear." Sophia went over and ruffled the hair on the top of his head before he could duck out of the way.

He shot her a smile as he went for the coffee maker then asked, "Could you tell me where the bread is? I need to make some toast for Emma."

"Why? Isn't she coming down for breakfast?"

He shook his head at her. "She's not feeling too good. Looking pretty pale actually, though she doesn't seem to have a fever. I told her to lie back down and I'd bring her something to neutralize the acidity."

"Oh, I hope she's alright."

"I'm sure she's fine." He waved it off like it was no big deal. "It was probably what she ate last night after dinner."

"Oh? And what was that?" She noted the expression on his face while telling her the contents of the 'nasty disgusting wrap' Emma had eaten when they were in town. Cocking a skeptical eyebrow at him, she stated rather than asked, "Really?" When he offered her a clueless shrug of his shoulders, she smiled sweetly and patted his shoulder. "Why don't you sit down and drink your coffee. I'll fix her something then you can take it to her. Oh, and before I forget, I'll be taking Lester to work every morning so you kids can have the car whenever you'd like."

"That's very thoughtful, but we wouldn't wanna inconvenience either of you."

"It's no problem, Ethan. No need to be stuck here at the house every day," Michael added for good measure.

"Wow. Thank you both, we really appreciate it."

"And Ethan? I want to invite you to come out tonight and play cards with me and the guys. I could use a good partner."

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