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Emma giggled and threw her head back into the pillow, biting her lip and reaching down to stop the tickle assault on her bare skin.

"Ethan!" she whined, a weak attempt at getting him to stop, but the smile was evident in her voice, and so he refused.

Ethan smirked to himself and kissed over her skin, his fingers crawling a quick pace over her hips abdomen following his mouth, making her squirm beneath him.

"Ethan!" she warned again as she began to raise her legs, ready to kick him away if absolutely necessary. He may have been the love of her life, but he knew damn well she would resort to violence if he refused to end a tickle assault. She had warned him numerous times, after all.

Little did she know, that was exactly what he'd wanted.

The moment she opened her legs and bent them at the knee, ready to push him away with her tiny little pedicured feet, he made his move and wedged himself between her ivory legs.

Her eyes widened for only a moment but she soon relaxed as his kisses moved south, away from her sensitive sides and down to her sensitive center.

It still tickled, but only in the most delicious way.

"Ethan..." her breathless voice crooned, but his only response was to nuzzle her covered womanhood, moaning when he took in her heady scent of arousal.

He hadn't even begun and she was trembling already.

Ethan brought his hands down to his face level and expertly hooked his forefingers into the elastic of her skimpy little panties. In a fluid, snake-like motion he slithered backwards, pulling the barely-there material don with him until he had removed them completely, ending in a standing position at the foot of their king sized, four post bed.

He fisted the lace material before throwing in to the ground beside him, looking down at the masterpiece god gave before him. There she lay, her milky calf rubbing along the other as she arched her back ever so slightly. Her perfect breasts spilling slightly to the sides from the sheer weight of them, her tiny manicured nails on her right hand twisting her own nipple as the other ran up her neck and through her unruly chestnut hair.

She was a goddess, and she was his.

Ethan shuddered at the pure eroticism of her before him. It was as if her arousal was driving her mad and she simply couldn't lay still. Slowly, he raised his arms and reached behind his neck, grabbing the neck of his shirt and pulling it over and off, forgetting in on the floor immediately. He watched her watch his hands as they worked at undoing his belt, pulling it through the loops and out into the growing pile of clothing beside him. She bit her lip when his hands moved to the button of his pants, but he simply undid the button and put one knee up on the bed.

She let out a feral breath as she watched him crawl up the bed towards her, preying on her like a big cat of the wild. Her breathing increased in depth and he watched appreciatively as her chest rose and fell in synchrony. He reached her body and without warning grasped her hips, pulled her center to him, and ran the flat of his tongue up from the bottom to the top of her opening, her head thrown back in ecstasy at the warm, wet sensation.

"Oooh Ethan," she moaned, her dainty fingers running into and through his growing, unruly blonde locks.

He repeated his actions, over, and over, and sucked hard on her clit before flicking his tongue back and forth, side to side rapidly, causing her to let out a small shriek. Her body was quaking again almost immediately.

Ethan plunged his tongue as deep into her as he could reach, swirling it around and taking in as much of her juice as he could. She whimpered and thrust her hips forward into his face, needing more. He pulled back, grasped her ass, and lifted her slightly with his upper body strength, opening her up to him even more.

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