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-Five weeks later on a late Monday evening-

Emma stood there in the dark, peering out the kitchen window waiting for Ethan to return from the field. She'd shut all the lights off in the apartment on purpose just to make him think she'd left for Florida two weeks ago as originally planned. After changing her departing flight to match his, she'd called to inform her father when they'd be arriving, assuring her it was just an unforeseen work related issue that made her have to alter her vacation.

It was the truth... to an extent... somewhat... partially... stupid man!

She missed him like crazy, couldn't keep herself from wanting to be here when he got back and knew he'd be both surprised and pleased that she was especially after the argument they'd had over the whole affair. Plus, there really was something she needed to discuss with him concerning her job, but she was determined to wait and see what kind of mood he was in before bringing the subject up.

She was nervous over whether or not he'd like her surprise of altering the apartment for a more romantic type setting even though 'romantic' wasn't something they normally did. Hey, it was... different and no easy task trying to make dinner in the dark either, so he better appreciate it! Jace had given her Kate's number earlier in the week and she called to find out what exact time the guys were due back and then took the southern girl's advice of cooking something that only required using the oven and a timer.

She quickly darted into the bathroom; having almost forgotten to shut the water off then ran back to the window and began fidgeting. Ethan would, naturally, have his ritualistic plan of getting together with the guys at the NCO club, but hopefully he wouldn't mind forgoing those plans once he found her at home waiting for him... and if not? Operation seduction was already underway and failure wasn't an option.

oOo oOo oOo

"Oh Damn!" All his field gear was caked with mud and heavier than normal, about a hundred and seventy five pounds worth that needed to be carried up the stairs. He could have left it in the trunk of his car, but he was leaving at the butt-ass crack of tomorrow's dawn for Miami and didn't want to have to mess with it then in addition to packing for vacation. Readying his key to unlock the door once he reached the top of the stairs, he hauled every last bit of equipment on his shoulders and stumbled towards the house, feeling exhausted and for once, not in any rush to get in the shower and go meet Grayson for drinks.

Emma felt guilty when she saw him struggling with both arms full. Any other time she would've rushed outside to help him, but it would defeat the purpose behind all her planning for tonight and she was anxious to see his reaction. Moving away from the window to position herself, she listened to him climb the stairs, crossing her fingers as her heart rate picked up.

He unlocked the door and stepped over the threshold, straining under the weight of his belongings while flicking the light on. The moment the room lit up, his breath caught in his throat. The last thing he expected to see was Emma. But there was his girl, leaning against the wall, one foot perched underneath her bottom and wearing his white button-up dress shirt.

"Surprise!" she said in a soft voice, smiling at his shocked expression and watched in amusement when he dropped all his equipment right where he stood with a loud thud.

Hot FUCKING damn! He had to physically shake his head back and forth to be sure she wasn't a mirage. She was supposed to be in California! They'd argued over her waiting for him to get back from this exercise for Christ's sake. Yet here she was, looking as sexy as only she could be while dressed in something as simple as one of his shirts.

"I hope you don't mind that-that..." The way he just stood there and stared without saying a thing made her nervousness return full force. "See, I thought... I-I made dinner and drew you a bath so you cou-" She found herself pinned to the wall before she ever finished that sentence. "Eth-mmph."

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