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Eight months later on a Friday evening...

Emma stood over a bubbling crock-pot of chili, stirring it with one hand while the other lay on her aching back from the extra thirty pounds she'd gained when she felt her husband's arms slip around her waist to stroke her swollen belly.

Somebody's been busy. She hadn't made dinner, she'd created a banquet. A huge salad, homemade cornbread, baked potatoes, several tiny bowls full of condiments for the chili and freshly baked apple pie? Not just one, but three? Okay, sure, he'd taught her how to cook and even bake over the last year until she was fine on her own, but it seemed like an awful lot of food. And for him to think it... that was saying a lot.

"I think I love this look on you."

"And what look would that be?"

"Barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen, cooking my dinn-OW!" He received an elbow in the stomach for his jibe.

"Stand down, soldier, or you'll be wearing your chow instead of eating it."

"Hey," he chuckled. "You know I don't mean it." He kissed the top of her head.

"Yes, you do. You enjoy issuing insults."

"That's not all I enjoy issuing," he whispered seductively, bucking his hips against her bottom.

She jabbed his stomach again. "Don't go confusing your rank with my authority and I'll let you live."

"Yes, ma'am," he chuckled. "You know you're the Commander in Chief of this house, baby." Feeling her tense as she placed a hand to her stomach, he asked, "You okay?"

"Yeah, mmph. Fine." A sigh of relief rushed between her lips when the pain subsided. "Just the baby kicking."

"He wants to get out... meet his father so we can start training, get him ready for West Point."

"And what if we have a girl?" But of course that didn't deter his military frame of mind; his answer came with a shrug of indifference.

"West Point takes females." He wanted to know what they were having after the ultrasound, but Emma insisted on being surprised and even threatened the obstetrician into silence over the subject. He kissed her head again while rubbing her lower back with one hand to ease the pain his growing child was causing her.

"Mmmmm, that feels wonderful." Setting her spoon down, she placed both hands on the counter and arched into his strong touch while closing her eyes.

"I'll finish up here, Emma. You go sit down and relax. After dinner I'll give you a back massage, how does that sound?" The fact the entire house looked like she'd turned it upside down with her rearranging of things hadn't escaped his attention. Which was fine with him, but the multitude of changes seemed like an awful lot to have achieved for one in her condition and the fact she'd done it during the eight days while he was gone?

"Really?" She turned into his arms and laid her head against his chest, enjoying the freshly showered smell of his skin. He'd come home not an hour ago from the field and this time he smelled a little too rank for her taste and had shoved a much grumbling Ethan in the direction of the bathroom after only a short hug and a kiss.

"Anything for you, baby." He held her, gently stroking her long hair as his heart swelled with pride. She was giving him a child, and it was the second greatest gift he'd ever received next to her love and their marriage. "I want to have at least two more children." He could picture a tiny house full of love and laughter, several blonde and brunette children running around his beautiful wife, begging for her attention.

"Let's get through having this one then we'll negotiate that proposal." Her pregnancy was as healthy as could be, but of course brought with it all the normal, physical annoyances. "I'm going to go take a quick shower then start another wash-load of your clothes."

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