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"Go away, Chamberlain," he spoke gruffly.

It no longer surprised her that he seemed to know whenever she was around without looking. "No."

He looked over his shoulder at her. "Excuse me?" She had some nerve!

"Did I stutter?" The opportunity to confront him fell in her lap and she wasn't about to let it go.

He faced forward again, ignoring her completely, unwilling to let her bait him.

Prick! "Don't turn away from me, I have questions." Her anger began to rise when he spoke but refused to face her.

"Then why don't you go ask someone who gives a fuck."

Undeterred, she began her interrogation. "What happened the other day?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." What is she talking about?

"The fight. With Sergeant Jackson? You said my name."

Fuck. "Don't get your panties in a twist, it was just a slip of the tongue." Not a subject he wanted to discuss at all.

She raised her voice. "You beat the crap out of him, call me yours and expect me not to wonder what it was all about?"

He wheeled on her, anger welling up in his chest. Time to turn the tables on Miss High-and-Mighty. "Oh, you wanna ask questions huh? Well here's one for ya. Who was checking who out a few weeks ago?" She may not want him, but she damn sure liked what she saw.

Her jaw dropped, cheeks instantly aflame from embarrassment that he would bring that up. She tried to respond but her mouth wouldn't work.

"Yeah, that's what I thought." He sneered at her.

ARGHH! You conceited piece of... "Oh, like your God's gift." She was mad before they even began their conversation, but now she was pissed. No way was he going to get the better of her. Time to take the gloves off, Mister.

Ooooh, she wanted to play huh? Okay, play he would. He crossed his arms and one ankle over the other as he leaned his backside against the desk. "Hardly, wouldn't be nearly as interesting." He let his cocky side out full force and curled his tongue behind his teeth. "Bet I could make you scream though."

His whole attitude, this arrogant air he attacked her with had her fuming, itching in the worst way with the need to lash out. Ignoring whatever it was he'd said she abruptly changed the subject.

"What are you doing here?" She interrupted him the second his mouth opened to answer. "Five words or less..."

He stood up straight and squared his jaw at her, holding his fingers up one at a time as he gave her his answer. "Packing. My. Personal. Belongings... BITCH," ending with his thumb and a disgusted look. He watched her look around in confusion. "I'm no longer your Drill Sergeant, Chamberlain. So why don't you leave?"

"Really?" Now things were getting interesting.

"Yeah. But just cuz I'm not doesn't mean I won't have you written up for being disrespectful to me as an NCO and your superior."

"It'll be worth it." Her tone went cold as she narrowed her eyes on him. So what! Let him. There was no way she was leaving him alone until she got some satisfaction. "What is your deal? You had your chance to do whatever you wanted to me and you didn't, you went soft on me."

"Hey!" Tensions were heating the room up and much to his dismay, his reaction to seeing her defiance, her aggression, her pretty face flush from anger was beginning to turn him on. "I'm far from soft, honey." The innuendo was lost on her, he could tell from her face. I can't believe she's this dense. Shaking his head in disbelief he put his back to her again, trying to will away the erection that was threatening to tear through his pants. She needed to get out of here before he did something he'd regret.

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