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-Saturday week 7-

What the hell was his problem? It'd been nearly a week since Emma was in the hospital, since he'd won their little game of poker and not once, not once did he so much as even look her way. The first couple days she was relieved and thought nothing of it. After all, they were in phase three of their training and the Drill Sergeants had everyone super busy, getting them qualified with their weapons, taking their final physical fitness test, in essence, all their 'End Of Cycle Tests' before Warrior Week began.

They were on the obstacle course this morning, one last chance for a practice run through each station before being tested in pairs and where was he... standing near a picnic table almost three hundred yards behind the recruits, casually smoking a cigarette while talking with Sergeant Jackson.

He'd had plenty of opportunities to mess with her, make her do whatever he wanted and what had he done? Nothing. Abso-fuckin-lutely nothing. She should have been doing the snoopy dance, but instead she was furious. He'd been nothing shy of evil to her since day one and now... what? She suddenly wasn't good enough anymore? He was treating her as if she didn't exist. He didn't look at her, didn't come near her, it was as if his every move was purposefully calculated to avoid her at all costs. She was ready, had been ready for him. Bring it on, anything and everything he wished to unleash on her, she would show him, make it look like a walk in the park.

"What's wrong?" Amanda was concerned. She'd spent enough time being Emma's friend to know her moods and when Sergeant Dolan finally backed away from torturing her, Emma became agitated instead of happy about it.

"That!" She pointed in Ethan's direction. "The man lived to torment me daily and now that I'm strong enough to take his shit... nothing. He won't even look at me sideways, Amanda. What gives with that?"

"Uhmm, not to sound all with the cliché's here but, don't-cha kinda think that maybe you're, uhmm, kicking a gift horse in the mouth?" Emma looked at her as if she were insane. "I mean all the Drill Sergeants have backed off from harassing anyone unless they deserve it. He's probably just doing the same."

"No. There's something wrong with him." There had to be.

oOo oOo oOo

Graduation was approaching fast, but not fast enough for Ethan. Emma still haunted his every waking fantasy whether he was here at work or home. After she was released from the hospital and he finished his shift, his first stop before going to his apartment had been to a drugstore to purchase his first pack of condoms in what felt like years. He put two in his wallet and two in the glove compartment of his car, determined to shag the next willing women that came his way, except Kira of course. He was sure when he did, it would flush his mind of her image, help him to get over his infatuation and move on... though it had yet to happen.

That wasn't the only thing stressing him lately, however. After next week, he would only be working two more days and then he was finished being a Drill Sergeant. He needed at least three days off to out-process his company, the post and take care of some personal business before making one last walk-about his office then head out of state for good. Although he was looking forward to leaving, if he didn't find some time soon to make up a proper schedule, Emma might not have the protection she needed from Grayson, Elliot and Jace against Trent. He wouldn't put it past the worm to try something so close to the time the recruits were to leaving. In fact, it seemed like the perfect time, thus, the stress.

They were under the pavilion, having a smoke together. Lindsey sat on top of a picnic table while Ethan stood, one foot planted on the bench, leaning his elbow on his raised knee, tilting his head down to take long drags off his cigarette. He was doing his best to act interested in whatever Trent was currently talking about but underneath he loathed being near him, having to watch him. He looked up to see Grayson walking in their direction to join them.

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