~Chapter six~

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~Chapter six~

I think its funny how you can smile and everyone doesn't give it a second glance, everyone thinks that your okay. But if you don't, then what? Everyone assumes something is wrong. In my case, I smile even though it feels like I'm dying.

Like I'm drowning.


But I put on a smile anyway, I have to be strong for Eli. That's what I have to keep reciting over and over in my head to keep me sanity.

As I walk to my last period of the day I can't help but think of what could have been. What if they were still here? I probably would have never met Taylor or Jared, or even David, but I could live with that. As harsh as it sounds, I could. Id rather have my parents than my friends any day. I really would even call David that anyway. More like one of those people that just smiles and nods their head at you when they pass you in the hall way.

It's been a week since we went to the beach. A week since he's talked to me. I'm not sure if I should be thankful, annoyed, or concerned. He probably doesn't like to hurt his image. He's popular and I'm well, me. I don't blame him. I wouldn't want to talk to me either. But sometimes at night when I can't fall asleep, I think of excuses of why he may not be talking to me. Like how Britney Norse, aka the schools head cheerleader, has practically glued herself to his side. And I know what y'all are thinking. How cliché. It's actually kinda amusing, he try's to pry her off of him quietly, but she doesn't get the hint.

I get to choir earlier than anyone else so I pull out an old note book and start doodling. The teacher walks in and see me and smiles. I return the smile and focus back on my paper. As the class slowly fills I put my notebook back in my bag. While everyone takes their seat, the teacher starts his lecture. When I first started this school, I thought that choir would be my favorite subject. But not til recently I've decided that it is my least favorite subject. The teacher doesn't let us sing, which is expected in choir, but he teaches us history of the art. Like the greats starting at Mozart and Bach to Billy Joel and Michael Jackson. then he takes about musical theory. which if I'm honest is probably more boring that watching grass grow.

The bell rings and I'm brought out of my thoughts. I gather all of my belongings and head for my car, only to be stopped by Taylor and Jared.

"Hey girl! I've been looking for you everywhere. Me and Jared were about to go see a movie. Wanna come?" She asked while looking at me with hopeful eyes. I hate it when she does that. It's like you want to say no, but the eyes are telling you to say yes. Kinda like when a little kid gets into trouble and you need to punish them, but they just look so innocent, you can't lay a finger on them.

"Ya sure I'll come. What movie is it?" I ask.

"Planet of the Apes 2." Jared tells me. Oh dear. I saw the first one with my dad and I literally made him check under my bed for monsters. It wasn't even that scary. Just really creepy.

"Okay. Let me text my uncle and tell him real quick" I say. I haven't told them why I'm really here. And they haven't asked which I'm thankful for. I know it will probably come up sometime, but I'm just not ready yet.

"Okay." Taylor says. "Can we hitch a ride with you? Jared got grounded so me and this idiot have to take the bus. I keep asking my mom for a car but she just keeps pushing it off. I think that she just wants to save it for a graduation gift."

"Wait, if Jared is grounded, why is he coming with us?" I ask confused.

"Cause I'm a rebel." Jared says cockily and smirks. Taylor just scoffs but doesn't try to talk back.

When I finish texting my uncle, he replied with a simple "okay." and that was it. I think he's trying to get me to feel comfortable here, and make friends. It doesn't go unnoticed whenever I pass him and I get sympathy looks.

Which I hate.

As I get into the drivers side, I hear Taylor and Jared yell 'shotgun' and both rush to the passenger seat. Of course Taylor gets there first and Jared groans while her slips into the back seat mumbling under his breath. Taylor smirks satisfied with her little victory, amusement dancing in her eyes. I just chuckle and shake my head.

When we get to the theater, we decide that Jared will buy the tickets while me and Taylor go buy the snacks. When we're done, we have 2 large butter popcorn buckets, 4 boxes of sour skittles, 1 frozen drink, and 2 sodas.
We get to our seats and I'm sitting next to Jared, who is in the middle, and sharing popcorn with him since Taylor glared at him for trying to eat her popcorn. Let's just say we really don't want to get the beast more riled up.


I just called her a beast.

But to be fair, it does look like she is about to bite off his hand when ever I comes close to her popcorn.

All of a sudden the lights dim, and the movie begins.


From the start to the finish of the movie, me and Taylor are both hiding in Jared's arms, while he's just watching in amusement. Like I said before, it's not scary. Just so dang creepy!

When the movie is over and the lights turn back on and we go into the hall, Jared breaks into a fit of laughter.

"You guys were hilarious!" Jared laughs. "-seriously! You guys were clinging to my shirt for your dear lives! I'm starting to think that y'all weren't even that scared. I bet you guys just wanted to feel my muscles." He flexes and grins cockily.

"Carful. If your ego gets any bigger it might have to be surgically removed." Taylor says with a blank face. Jared just smiles innocently at her.

While there having their argument, I hear laughing and all turn my head toward the direction.

I bet we can all guess who it is.


and his two best friends Isaac and Samuel.

His eyes meet mine and he smiles and then says somthing to his friends and they all look in our direction. By this time Jared and Taylor have stopped arguing and are looking in the same direction as I am. I can feel Jared tense up beside me and see Taylor scowl at them. I still don't know why they don't like him. They were nice to him when we were at the beach, why not now? He's not that bad of a guy.

He was just being nice. The voice in my head says. Part of me agrees with the voice and part of me doesn't.

I look back over to where David is and see him waking toward us with a small smile.

"Hey Isabella. Hey guys." David greets me with a smile and then doesn't that nod thing to Taylor and Jared. They each exchange a 'hello' and then it becomes really awkward. Great. Just what I needed. Another awkward moment.

Taylor better not leave.

"So what are you guys doing here?" Jared asks.

"Oh you know hunting elephants." Taylor say sarcastically while rolling her eyes. Jared just laughs it off and I give her a look to which she just smiles at.

After a couple of awkward moments Taylor speaks up again. "Well it was nice having this awkward conversation with you, but we really should be going now." Taylor then grabs my arm and pulls me, painfully I might add, out the door. I barley have time to look back at David who is standing their chuckling, at her bluntness, and he turns around to join his friends who are laughing. No doubt about Taylor and how straight forward she can be.

When me and Taylor reach the car, we get in and sit in silence. Taylor speaks up. "Did we really just leave Jared in the theater?" She asks. I look in the backseat. Sure enough, Jared isn't back there. "I'll be right back." Taylor mumbles while I just laugh.


//AN// Hello! Chapters up :) Oh my gosh! I'm do proud of myself! I posted quicker that 3 weeks!! Wow!! Also, I REALLY want to know what you guy think so PLEASE comment below!

Til next time my lovelies!

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