A "Team Meeting"

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Kassandra finally made her way to town for the 'team meeting,' which was being held in the same coffee shop that she had her coffee date with Delilah in. When she arrived, she realized that the only people waiting for her were Nathan and Cullen, sitting at a little booth in the back corner. Kassandra walked over to where they were sitting and talking about nonsense, clearly waiting for someone to arrive. As Kassandra approached the two, Nathan looked up and waved him over to sit down.
"Well, well, well. Look who it is," Cullen said with a playful smirk. Kassandra gave them both a grin and sat down next to her cousin. "So, why am I here? I know that you guys love me and just want to be around me all the time, but I'm a busy person y'know." Even though she was teasing them, she was still genuinely curious about why she was called there. If they wanted to hang out, they usually just texted her with an address or place and said nothing else but a time to be there. But they didn't do that this time. "Well, our dear friend Nathan over here tells me that you ditched him the other day, promising to explain later. We, and by we, I mean I, want to know what was so urgent that you left our poor Nate all alone that day." Kassandra's eyes widened in realization. She couldn't tell them that she was a player from team Capulet, they would freak out on her. She decided that she would just not tell them her last name or the fact that she plays for their rival team and hope that they don't connect the dots. Kassandra told the two about how she met Delilah. How they talked for a couple of hours, getting to know each other. How they exchanged numbers and talked late last night. How Delilah was perfect in every way.
When she finished her story, Nathan looked genuinely touched, smiling happily at her while on the verge of tears. Cullen was excited for his best friend, though he tried no to show it. He congratulated her before beginning to tease her about how sappy and mushy her story was.
"So," Cullen began, unable to keep the mischievous grin off of his face, "when are you going to see her again?" Kassandra's eyes widened in realization. "I was supposed to let her know today." Cullen started laughing at her for forgetting such a thing while Nathan was trying to be helpful by suggesting different places that they could go. Kassandra's mind was going through all the places they could go together where they wouldn't be seen. But as suddenly as she was lost to her thoughts, she was snapped right back out. "Hey, you're that girl that stole my friend from me yesterday, aren't you?" Kassandra looked up to see Delilah's friend standing there, hand on her hip and a smirk on her face. Suddenly, Kassandra had an idea of how to decide where to go for her date. "Will you guys excuse me for a moment?" Before her friends could say anything, she grabbed the other girl's arm and dragged her off to another, more secluded part of the shop.

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