The Fight (Part I)

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Suddenly, something clicked in Bellamy's brain. That Montague was trying to distract his sister so they could win. Bellamy was furious.
After the goal was made, the outfielders lined back up in the center. Once the ball was passed, Bellamy made his move. He went straight for the Montague girl with the '01' on her back. No one understood what he was doing at first since she didn't even have the ball, but it soon became very clear what his intentions were.
Bellamy tackled Kassandra to the ground causing the referee to blow his whistle. The sudden whistle blow startled Bellamy enough that Kassandra was able to push him off of her and begin walking away. She knew he was trying to rial them up, but she didn't want to engage. She didn't want to upset Delilah. Before she could get too far though, Bellamy began running at her again, his fist raised for a punch. Kassandra dodged it just in time causing the boy to stumble. Seeing the commotion, a few kids ran up to them, some to try and stop them and others to cheer them on. Cullen ran up beside his friend and began shouting at her to turn around and fight like a woman. "C'mon Kass! Why are you running away? You could beat him easily!" Kassandra just looked at him and shook her head, her eyes begging him not to engage. Cullen didn't seem to take the hint.
Cullen ran at Bellamy, fists raised, but Kassandra caught him and tried to hold them away from each other. "Guys, can't we just let it go and get back to the game," Kassandra begged desperately. Unfortunately, neither boy seemed to hear or care for what she had to say. Kassandra continued to beg her best friend to back off, hoping that he would listen to her, but he wanted a fight. Bellamy decided to take the opportunity he was given while the two were distracted and aimed a kick directly at Cullen's leg. The kick was fast and forcefull causing Cullen to collapse immediately. By the time the coaches arrived, Cullen was lying on the ground, trying not to cry as he tried to keep his leg as still as possible. Kassandra could already see bruises forming around the area where Cullen was kicked and began to panic, hoping that it wasn't as bad as it seemed.
Kassandra rushed over to her friend after she snapped out of her shocked state. She noticed that he was hyperventilating, probably due to the pain, and that there were small tears streaming down his face. Kassandra had never seen her best friend cry before and seeing it now scared her even more. At this point, tears were beginning to fall down Kassandra's face too. She began thinking of all the different things that could be wrong with his leg, listing the different injuries he could have sustained before she was brought out of her thoughts by Cullen's cold hand.
"Kass, why didn't you fight him? Why did you try to stop me? I could have taken him and you know it, so why?" Kassandra couldn't find the words to answer any of his questions, she could only cry harder. She grabbed his hand and all she could seem to say between her sobs and sniffles was, "I'm sorry."

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