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Sorry for the time jump! This chapter is providing some back story for what happened during the war. Enjoy!

Apologies for the derogatory terms used here as well (+ a warning for violence)


The first year the the boys had gone away to war, Eden tried to continue on the same way she always had. Wearing the same dresses she always did, the ones she made herself. They were gorgeous designs, fitted with high collars like the men's shirts, but had capped sleeves and a fitted silhouette not seen yet in English fashion. Mr Zhang had taken pity on the young girl, and had provided her with material. Gorgeous silks in brilliant colours that brought life to the small Birmingham town. The silk was embroidered in delicate flowers and cranes, everything that screamed "do not touch".


By the first Christmas, it was clear the boys weren't coming home anytime soon.  Christmas morning, Polly and Ada had walked into the living room and found Eden curled up on the couch. Dried tear stains on her cheeks, hand clutching the jade coin Tommy had gifted her. There were no presents that year.



The second year into the war, Eden traded her place at the towns tailoring shop, for a scratchy nurses uniform and a needle and thread to sew up the men. Everything changed that second year.

With the Shelby men away, the people of Small Heath felt more inclined to no longer disguise their disgust for the girl. The only time Eden did not feel the judgemental looks, or hear the judgemental comments was when she was working at the hospital. People then cared more about that she could heal them, than the colour of her skin and the shape of her eyes.


At the end of the second year, Eden had just finished sewing up a young man who had suffered a laceration to his arm following an accident in the factories. He was a charming man, and brought a smile to Eden's face, a feeling that she wasn't used to.

The young man had charmed his way into Eden's heart and he said all the right words to keep her enchanted. He kept visiting and sending flowers to the hospital for the following week. And by the time Eden finally had a night off, he had convinced her to meet him for a drink.

They agreed to meet at the Garrison - a familiar place for Eden - at 8 o'clock. Eden was beyond excited and had recruited Ada and Polly to help her get ready. Polly had stood at the door to Eden's room with a wry smile on her face and a smoke in her hand, as she watched Ada and Eden giggling over what to wear and the man that had captured Eden's heart.

Eden stood in the living room, twirling for Ada and Polly. She was dolled up in her favourite dark blue dress, with the silk catching the light causing a certain shine, the metallic thread complimenting the dark tones. It had a high collar, obstructed by the jade coin Eden could never take off. Eden had decided to wear her dark hair down and it fell all the way to the small of her back, it was after all a special occasion.

"So how do I look?" Polly could hear the happiness in the young girls voice.

"Pretty as an angel Eden," Ada chimed in. "We should send a picture to the boys!"

A blush took over Eden's face as Ada raced to get the camera. Polly stepped forward, pressing a gentle kiss to the young girls forehead.

"That man better treat you right missy, or it will be a Blinder coming for him, just not the one he expects."

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