𝑪𝒉. 3 | 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑪𝒂𝒔𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑴𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑳𝒊𝒇𝒆𝒈𝒖𝒂𝒓𝒅

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Hey guys! New chapter up! The picture above is Dylan's outfit for this episode. Hope you enjoy!


"You must be an Angel.....I can see it in your eyes....."

Dylan and the girls were back at Hopper's cabin, chilling in El's room. Dylan and El were kneeled on the former's bed, El bopping her head to the song that Max was currently prancing around and singing along to. Singing along to songs or even dancing to songs wasn't really Dylan's style (the snow ball had been an exception, not like he liked to think about that right now....), but he was happy that Max was; this was a goofy side to her that she didn't show often. It made Dylan happy that she was comfortable enough in this town to showcase it again.

El and Dylan we're going through a few of Max's magazines. One particular page caught El's eye—a picture of the karate kid actor, Dylan recognized. The hell was his name again? Ralph something?

Max stopped dancing for a moment, noticing El gazing at the rather good looking male. "Oh, you found Ralph Macchio," she said slyly and Dylan snapped his fingers. Ah! That was it.

"Macchio?" El inquired and Max nodded, grinning. "Yeah, he's the karate kid!" She threw her arm out in some kind of pseudo karate-chop motion, eliciting a "hi-ya!" Which borderline scared El. Dylan just rolled his eyes as the two teen girls giggled at one another. Dweebs.

But they were his dweebs, he supposed.

Woe was him.

"He's so hot, right?" Max drawled. Dylan shrugged simply. "I guess," he agreed, trying to appease her.

Max blinked at him. "You "guess??"" She asked incredulously and Dylan mock-glared at her.

"Max. We've been over this," he said, fighting off a smile when his sister rolled her eyes playfully.

"Whatever. I bet he's an amazing kisser too," she mumbled, causing El to look at her with incredulity and Dylan to roll his eyes and shove her a bit.

Max's face suddenly turned mischievous and she looked at him with a grin. "Hey..." she murmured, coming to sit opposite the two teens on the bed. "Is Mike a good kisser?"

Dylan smirked. "Ask El," he said cheekily, grinning when the girl in question blushed heavily in shock.

"Dyl!" She giggled, nudging him lightly. "I've only ever kissed him once—and that was two years ago!" She looked at him and smiled shyly. "You two have kissed way more."

Dylan felt his heart jitter a bit and he bit his lip, nodding thoughtfully. "Well to be honest with you Max, I couldn't tell ya," he said, shrugging his shoulders. He donned a playful look. "I'd like to think so." He heaved a considerate sigh, the smile dropping slightly. "But really, I cant say—he's my first boyfriend."

Max squinted, cocking her head to the side. "Ex-boyfriend," she corrected, a small smirk on her face.

Dylan chewed his lip and nodded. "Ex-boyfriend," he repeated quietly, eyes fallen down to his lap. To be honest, he was starting to feel a bit guilty about what had gone down at the mall. Yeah sure, Mike was a dumbass, but.....he couldn't help it, right? Maybe he'd been too hard on him....

El and Max looked at each other sadly before Max scooted closer to her brother, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Hey, don't worry about it—okay?" She said giving him a reassuring look. "He'll come crawling back to you in no time, begging for forgiveness." Dylan huffed out a breath of laughter, giving Max a small smile. he didn't want to sound too cocky or anything, but knowing Mike....that was more than probable.

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