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"Am I the Sun?" the little honey-skinned girl asked eyes wide, as a beautiful, older woman finished The Moon's Monologue. The crickets chirped as she sat, trying to touch her toes, under the velvety Ayo sky.

"No, this is a different Sun. But you shine just as bright and I'm sure you're twice as selfless,"  her mother said, smiling down at her.

"This story's lame," a slightly older girl moaned, "I want to hear about dragons and monsters."

Their father chuckled and their mother smiled. "Okay Dragon Queen, settle down and I'll tell you about Melandrach, the Dragonlord," she said in a low, conspiratorial tone, that instantly piqued the older sister's interest.

"Once, many years ago, dragons ruled the world," their mother began. But the littlest girl was no longer listening, instead gazing warily at the milky moon and longingly at the dark, black sky.

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