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Sunlight filtered through the trees as I lay, sprawled on the carpet of grass, smiling up at Ciel

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Sunlight filtered through the trees as I lay, sprawled on the carpet of grass, smiling up at Ciel.

We had walked for three days after leaving Icarus Falls and had all come to an unspoken agreement: we needed a break.

Aester hadn't been pleased with us wasting time but Fyn had managed to convince him to grumble slightly less.

Vernon leaped around the clearing, Crow flapping above him excitedly as I pushed myself up. Ciel groaned and tried to pull me back down as I stood up and laughed.

"I'm going to the stream, I haven't freshened up in way too long," I said, as I stretched.

"I could come along... and help," he offered, brow arching suggestively, as his eyes roved over my figure. "I'm very good with my hands."

"Easy there, River," I snorted, stifling a smile as he gasped dramatically.

I strolled for a few minutes before arriving at the gentle, burbling brook, pausing as I realized that someone had gotten there first.

Makeda stood in the brook, in a black vest and undershorts, her long, dark hair loose around her shoulders

I was about to call out when I noticed her arms.

Long, thin lines decorated them, scar tissue raised in some places. I felt my heart squeeze as I saw that her back and legs were covered in this same, garish design. There were so many scars I didn't even know where to look, my stomach twisting at the sight.

She raised her hands to her hair as if to tie it up, when Crow came cawing loudly to the brook.

She dropped her hands immediately, spinning round, already in a fighting stance. Upon seeing my she straightened, although her muscles still seemed tense.

"Sorry, it's just me," I said, cheeks burning, as I raised my arms in mock surrender.

She nodded, and gave me a tight lipped smile, before quickly grabbing her clothes and rushing into the forest, Crow right behind her.

Way to creep her out, Sol, I thought as I stripped off my own clothes and sunk into the cool water.

But how could I not stare? Those marks, those scars. Who had done that to her?

My thought were interrupted by the sound of pounding feet and before I could turn round, the water by me erupted, bathing me in its aquatic goodness.

Another splash followed, as well as whoops and cheers.

I wiped the water out of my eyes, glaring as Ciel smiled down at me.

Water ran down his tan muscles, as he placed a hand behind his neck, grinning sheepishly.

"I'm perfectly capable of washing myself, you know," I said, narrowing my eyes at him.

"Yes," he began, "but can you do this?"

He wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted me up, spinning me round as I squealed until a huge wave sent us both sprawling into the stream.

"Please, get a room," River scoffed, smiling as he folded his arms.

I stuck out my tongue. "You're just mad because Odelyn doesn't like anything fun," I teased.

"I like fun," Odelyn shouted suddenly, as she stripped off her clothes and cannonballed in.

We descended into a full blown fight, River throwing balls of water and Ciel sending whirlpools while Odelyn and I just splashed ourselves the old fashioned way.

"What? I missed a water fight!" Fyn shrieked, looking like she was about to burst into tears, as she rushed up to the stream, Aester trudging behind her.

"If you guys are done wasting ti-" he began, arms folded, before was was stopped by a water ball straight to the face.

"Oh you're going to pay for that," he growled, as River rolled in the brook laughing.

Fyn gleefully dived in and the battle recommenced. Although, as I noticed Crow perched in the branches, watching us, I couldn't help think of Makeda's scars, and the real battles she had survived.


We moved on, 'Finally' according to Aester, and had walked for a about a week without encountering any life-threatening situations.

"I think we're lost," River said, decisively. "I mean, aside from a rogue goblin sect, we have not been attacked by anything."

He was right, it was suspicious. And I know they say not to look a gift horse in the mouth, but knowing what little I did of the White King, he did not give gifts.

As the words left River's mouth, a strong wind swept threw the meadow we were in. Instead of dying down, the wind grew fiercer, so much so that I couldn't hear any sound but its whistle.

It was everywhere, in my ears, all around us. And there was something else too. I raised a cupped hand, and stared at it's contents, my head lowered against the wind.


The wind whipped around us again, this time bringing a dusty haze with it. I closed my eyes, and planted to feet, bracing myself against the onslaught.

Then the wind settled, replaced by a blazing heat.

I'm going to open my eyes and we're going to be in the meadow, okay, I told myself.

Of course, as I opened my eyes I was met with a vision of golden desert sands instead of dark green grass.

I glared at River.

"Okay come on this was not my fault!" he exclaimed, raising his hands.

I knew he was right, and instead turned to Pelias, who's blue eyes met mine immediately.

"Welcome back," he said, glowering at the golden sands.

Elimes beckoned us with stifling, hot arms as the heat sweltered and the sun blazed.

Welcome back indeed.

Welcome back indeed

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