Strange Beginnings

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A/N this is a terrible fan fiction that I'm doing for myself and publishing in case anyone may want to read it. That being said enjoy.

Also this fan fiction does contain mentions of gore and NSFW as equally as it does fluff so please leave if that makes you uncomfortable.


"Well I'll be a monkey's uncle." My dad said as we were driving around unmarked roads through the forest path.

"I think we're lost honey." He said then turning to my mom. Whipping the map in his hands up right.

I just rolled my eyes and looked out the car window.

This is the third trip we've taken through Transylvania. The first time was kind of a gift for my thirteenth birthday since I was really into vampires at the time. It's actually kind of embarrassing thinking about it now. But I guess my parents loved it, so much that we've sorta made it a family tradition to go whenever we had enough money to do so.

That being said. I don't know why my dad still uses a paper map.

"Bob, are you sure you don't just want me to use the GSP?" My mom had asked him while keeping her eyes on the road, well, more like gravel.

Pretending that my mom didn't just call it a GSP I just ignore them both knowing everything's gonna be fine. We've always managed to get lost once or twice on these trips. Mostly because of my stubborn dad though.

After driving around for about another hour or two our car does the worst thing it could do in the moment.

It runs out of gas.

Mentally groaning at the situation I pause my music and eaves drop on my parent's conversation.

"I told you Bob! What did I tell you? But nooooo you just had to use the map." My mom says angrily while I hear her fingers furiously tap on her phone screen, her left hand making grand gestures to emphasize the point she's making.

"See there if we had just used the GSP from the beginning we would have known that there's a gas station 20 minutes away if you had listened to me earlier. But nope. Now we have to walk almost an hour!"

I've never actually seen my mom this angry before. It was kind of hard trying to stop myself from laughing to be honest. Maybe she was freaking out cause we were practically in the middle of the woods?

Well maybe not the middle of the woods. After all my mom is still getting cell reception. But definitely far enough in them to freak her out.

After talking between themselves. Not bothering to invite me to the conversations since they thought I was still listening to my music they finally came up with a plan.

And that plan was leaving me alone in the car while they walked the hour to go get gas. My dad insisted we get a tow truck to come out here but it would have taken longer and my mom was already itching to get out of the woods and into some sort of civilization.

And now... I think I'm starting to understand how my mom felt. 'Cause being left alone in the car in the middle of the woods... Isn't exactly the best thing in the world.

I mostly stayed cause I knew my mom and dad were going to argue the whole way there and I was not here for it. That and an hour long walk in the dark doesn't sound like a better experience either.

Once in a while I'll hear a twig snap or a bush being shaken. But that's just my imagination.

I REFUSE any other reason.

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