A World Alone

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"How awful. My family is throwing another ball." We're the first things to come out of Rudolph's mouth as soon as he entered the room. With his usual fruits and chocolate on a plate in hand.

I think I'm going to freak if I see one more pineapple focused dinner.

"Well, why don't you just stay here?"

I ask him slightly cautious, it's not that I didn't want him to know that I missed him. I just also knew that he was really busy. And not doing vampire stuff but actually with, prince stuff. Whatever that looked like. I guess it has to do with balls and fancy parties.

"I can't not go Tony. My father would have my head if I didn't show up."
Rudolph said with a defeated sigh.

"These balls are so pretentious, the only reason we have them is to keep the kingdom entertained and show off our wealth, nothing really happens here in our little kingdom, except for the random intruder here and there."

Pausing while choosing something to wear Rudolph turns to me, eyes closed plastering a fake innocent smile on his face.

"Why don't you come with me? It'd be oh so much more enjoyable with you around Tony."

"Yeah, no thanks." I tell him bluntly.

"And why not, if I may ask?" Rudolph said dropping the fake smile from his lips.

"Balls aren't exactly my thing Ruru." I smile at him. I think I might just call him that from now on. It annoyed the shit out of him and I found it so funny.

"Sunshine call me Ruru one more time and I'll hand you off to Gregory." Rudolph said in a joking manner but the joke itself made me feel as if he wasn't completely playing around.

"Ewwwww. Ok ok, I take it back..." Thinking of another nickname I give him one that was the first thing to come out of my head. "My little vampire." I smile proudly, it was a cute nickname. It definitely beat sunshine that's for sure.

"Also, I don't exactly feel comfortable going as your pet."

I say a little uncomfortably. I know he never really meant to, and after all I chose to stay here but whenever the other vampires here stare at me it makes me feel anxious. To think some of them were keeping humans as pets. It's sick.

"You're my friend Tony. My best friend. I only said those things when we talked to my father because he wouldn't understand. He's very old-fashioned."

"Yeah I know don't worry. Still, it's a little weird."

Staring blankly Rudolph ignores me completely and goes back to choosing what outfit to wear for tonight.

"Actually Tony, there's a reason I want you to come to tonight's ball. It's being held because of you. My father wants to throw a ball, sort of in your honor for being my first pet. He had given up all hope, 'I don't want my son to be the first prince without a pet. It's immoral to do as the common folk do. A Royal not having a pet is like seeing a commoner with one.' Yada yada."

He turns back to me with a pile of clothes neatly folded in his hand, clothes that I guess are meant for me.

He was already ready, well except it kinda looked like one thing was missing. His hair was let down rather than being the usual spiky style. I didn't mind he looked good with either way he chose to do it.

"You're father isn't going to like, make you drink my blood in front of everyone or something right?"

Rolling his eyes he smiles a little as if I had asked a dumb question. "Drinking blood from pets is seen as a private matter Tony, it's taboo to do so in public. It's basically what you mortals see as sexual intercourse. Although some of us vampires do that as well, some with pets...But sexual intercourse with your pets is generally frowned upon. "

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