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Opening my eyes I see that I'm in a giant elegant looking room.

Am I at a hotel? No this place is way too fancy. No way my dad would pay for something like this. And with that the events of last night hit me.

Well I actually don't really remember what happened in the end. I just remember being too tired to keep my eyes open.  Looking around with my eyes I get a more composed look.

With antique-looking vases and armour as decoration. A raging fireplace in my direction looking straight. And finally the vocal point of the room, a massive painting of an angel descending from heaven and into the pits of what could only be hell from all the fire and jagged rocks. His hand reaching out as if someone would catch him.

The walls painted in a very deep green, the same shade of line trees. With little gold details depicting flowers and birds in rows vertically placed here and there complimenting the color choice.

As I look to my left I see the shoulders and head of what could only be the 'vampire' from last night resting near my legs. Did he actually sleep like that all night?

I want to get out of this alive. So maybe it was best if I just quitely  make an escape.

I've done the walk of shame before, so it's not like I was new to sneaking out of a strangers bedroom.

Sitting up I hiss at the pain.

Oh yeah. That.

At least now I remember what happened at the end of last night. Actually what even happened after I collapsed? And how did I get here?

The boy now groaning lifts his head up and locks eyes with me.

"Good evening. You finally woke up?" He yawns while stretching his arms out.

"Um. Good...evening? And what do you mean finally?" I say back confused as to why he's ok with me just being here and what time exactly it was.

"Hmm,you we're asleep for about three days, my sister mended you quite well didn't she?" He smiled bringing his finger tips to my naked chest before bringing them slowly down, now trailing gently over the bandages covering my side and what I guess is my stab wound.

Was I really asleep for three days? I look down at my bandaged wound. I felt alright, but I don't think I'll be doing any extra circular activities anytime soon either.

"Can't even smell the blood." He added in almost a whisper.

Standing up, the vampire boy walks to a massive wardrobe making the two doors swing outwards.

"What's your name dude?" I ask him hesitantly. Vampire boy was actually getting a little old as clever as the nickname was.

He turns to look at me before going back to fumbling through his wardrobe. "Rudolph Sackville-Bagg. And yours? 'Dude.'" He says the last part in a mocking tone kind of annoying me but whatever.

"Well Antony is my name but everyone calls me Tony, and I'd like to keep it that way." I say matter of factly to get my point across.

"What did your parents forget the h when they gave birth to you? Well Tony, put these on." He says mockingly again while tossing me some clothes. "They should fit you."

I glare at him. His little petty jabs are getting old real fast.


Pulling off the sheets it's only when I struggle to get out of the bed and stand up do I realize that I'm naked.

Rudolph Black-salt Vacuum-bag or whatever just looks at me like I'm crazy.

As fast as I could I reach to my right I grab the bed sheets covering my self as much as possible. "Dude what the hell look away!" I yell at him causing him to look at me with an annoyed expression.

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