Hell Is Empty

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Opening my eyes I sit up from the bed and watch as Rudolph comes out from the bathroom on the left side of the room.

Towel wrapped around his waist he was still a little wet causing his skin to shine like it did in the moonlight. It was actually pretty funny how pale his entire body was. He really does fit the bill for a modern day vampire. Although his hair did look a lot different when wet, it didn't have the same edgy spikiness it had when dry it looked, depressed?

"You seem to be indulging yourself." Rudolph spoke up.

"I'm not indulging, I'm simply..." Looking for another higher than average vocabulary word choice, I begin to struggle and feel like giving up on the sentence completely.

"Assessing?" Rudolph finishes my sentence to help me save my self from the embarrassment.

"Yes! Exactly!"

I wasn't lying either. I was just really curious to see if the rest of his body matched in paleness. It was easy on the eyes too though. Wish I had I Greek statue chiseled abs, but nope I was born with the curse of being naturally bony.

Laughing now Rudolph gets an outfit ready before heading back into the bathroom.

It's been a couple days after my first day here. Or at least awake that is. I'm actually pretty much fine now and Rudolphs been looking after me and checking on my wound every night before we go to sleep.

I've only been in Rudolph's room though. He's always busy doing, vampire things? I actually have no idea. He won't tell me when I ask him. He also tells me I can't leave the room without him. That it's 'dangerous' Or something like that.

It's not like he's wrong though. After all this castle is full of vampires.
Although he won't tell me specific thing about that either.

He comes back to the room here and there, always carrying a plate full of food just for me. I say thank you and then he leaves right after.

Sure pineapples and berries were neat at first. But after a couple days eating them for breakfast lunch and dinner, it was starting to get old.

"I want to go out." I say to myself out loud as I lay back down onto the bed that I haven't made once. I mean what was the point I was just gonna be on it all day doing nothing.

Rudolph comes out of the bathroom fully dressed with a small frown placed upon his lips.

"Sorry I suppose it must get rather boring staying in the same room for two days straight."

Surprised at his comment I sit up slowly, did I insult him? I'm actually grateful that he takes the time out of his day to bring me food and let's me sleep in his bed. I didn't want to look like a donkey's butt.

"No! It's fine! Really Rudolph I like it here." I smile trying to reassure him.

"I heard what you said Tony." Pointing at his long ears resembling those of a bat. "I can hear everything. Even your heartbeat if I listen close enough."

Even my heartbeat? For some reason that makes it skyrocket. That's a little intimidating to be honest.

He's probably listening to it right now isn't he? This is embarrassing.

"Let's go out." Rudolph says taking me out of my head.

"Really?! Where?"

Was he not busy today? Or was he just doing this because of me?

I know it's a little selfish of me but actually it doesn't matter. As long as I get out of here.

Closing his eyes Rudolph starts to look like he's thinking a little too hard. Putting his arms behind his head he leans his upper body slightly to the left and right while humming.

Milk & BoneDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora