Into the Woods

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A/N sorry for not updating for so long I've been really busy with college stuff and life in general and lost interest in finishing. But recently I saw that this story is somewhat gaining traction so I'll try my best to finish.

Anyways hope you enjoy!


"Are we almost there yet?" I whine out loud.

I swear if I stepped on another painful rock I was going to collapse.

"I already told you sunshine. Were not going to get there any faster with you pestering every five minutes. Just give me your bag I know it's too heavy for you." Reaching out his hand to grab my bag I smack it away gently.

"It's not that heavy." I told him boldly. Even though I was trying to put up a tough guy attitude. In reality I was struggling to just take a couple more steps up the small steep hill.

"Don't worry Tony were almost there. Perhaps another twenty minutes or so and we'll have arrived." Anna had reassured me sending a small smile my way.

Smiling back at her I already feel somewhat better. Hell, lighter even.

Gaining speed I used all the energy I could muster and make it up to the top of the hill.

Turning back I yell excitedly, "I told you Rudolph..." But my shining grin had completely dropped once I realized what happened.

Seeing Gregory with my bag I pout and blush from embarrassment.

"See? You're having a much easier time walking now right? Next time listen to little Ruru." Gregory then threw the bag to Rudolph. Not giving Gregory much attention.

Feeling somewhat defeated I sit down with my legs crossed on the top of the hill.

"What are you doing? Were almost there, let's get a move on." Rudolph sat down in front of me while Anna and Gregory both looked at us. They look like if they're wondering if we would have to take a small break. For my sake of course.

"Can't you just fly me there!?" I whine as I reach out for Rudolph like a baby for it's mother.

"Not until I hear the words 'You were right oh handsome boyfriend, and I was wrong.' come from your pretty lips.

"Yeah I'm not doing that." As handsome as he was and as true as he was I didn't want to stroke his ego.

"Come on! At least pick me up!"
Rolling his eyes, Rudolph tosses the strap of my bag over his shoulder and grabs both of my hands with his.


Pulling him down onto me I hold him in a tight hug.

"I'm not letting go unless you say you'll fly me over there." I hold on to him even tighter as I feel his chest rise and lower against mine.

After his drawn out, and dramatic sigh he scolds me.

"You're the one who wanted to go camping Tony. Walking is part of the experience, is it not?" He laughed as he patted my head with his hand. His laugh in my ear giving me goosebumps as I let the hug a become a little loose.

"I didn't think we'd be walking for an hour straight."

Feeling Rudolph's chest rise and lower in a matter of seconds I laugh with him.

"If you really want to. I'll fly you. But you have to give me a little reward tonight for doing so." Backing away from the hug I look up at him. I could see his intentions from a mile away. And trust me when I say they were just as dirty as something Gregory would come up with.

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