You Can't Say No Forever

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A/N I wrote this at like 3am so if some parts are hard to read or just don't make sense... Yeah.

Anyways enjoy 🧚‍♀️


"I'm soooooo hungryyyyy." I exclaim as loud as possible making sure Rudolph heard me.

"Oh get off it Tony. I already told you that we'll go get some food when I finish writing these papers for my English lessons."

"Why do you even need to study? Where are you applying? Night School College?" I laugh at my own shitty joke causing Rudolph to turn his head towards me with a dead panned look.


Wow, I even got Rudolph laughing now. Sure it was a sarcastic laugh. But still a laugh.

"Pleeeeease. I'm starving, aren't you hungry- thirsty too." I forgot vampires don't exactly eat.

Now closing his eyes like he usually did when thinking harder than normal he hms to himself.

"I suppose these papers can wait." He says as he stands up from his desk.

"Yes!" I basically yell out as I grab onto Rudolph giving him a tight hug.

I actuallyyy wasn't that hungry in all honesty I just wanted Rudolph to give me some attention.

Smiling to myself at how easy it was for him to choose me I hug him even tighter.

English Night School College, zero.

Tony, one.

Backing away from the hug I lock eyes with Rudolph as he stares at me intently.

"Jeepers creepers Rudolph you ok?"

Shaking his head I see a small blush form on Rudolph's face.

Closing his eyes for s couple of seconds he let's out a simple "I suppose."

What does that even mean? 'I suppose.'


The whole way to the livestock area Rudolph was quiet. Ever since the morning he seemed hesitant around me. I'm pretty sure it was cause of last night.

We were actually getting a ton of heads turning towards us as vampires were whispering amongst themselves.

Because of yesterday Rudolph made sure that I walked besides him. He said something about how "We already look like psychopaths so who cares right?" Or at least something like that.

But, I know it's cause he wanted to make me more comfortable with the whole pretending to be a pet thing. I mean sure we were still a good  six feet apart and he made sure to make it a point for me not to touch him at all after that hug, but still.

I actually really appreciate it.

"I guess last night really made an impression huh?" I laugh out loud causing Rudolph to have a small smirk form on his lips.

At least I could still make him smile today.

When we got to the actual livestock Rudolph went in by himself as usual. Coming out the door with what looked like a crystal container of what could only be blood and a see through pouch of apples and chocolate.

I swear when I go back home I'm going to skip on fruit for an entire year. I would say chocolate too but, who doesn't love chocolate right?

Handing me the pouch I stare at the crystal container in his other hand.

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