And All the Devils are Here

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Walking through the castle I head straight for the entrance so then we could make our escape. I just hope and pray that Gregory doesn't spot us. Something tells me he's taken an interest in Tony and I find it disgusting. He was never gonna lay a single finger on my friend ever again. Not as long as I could help it.

Briskly keeping my pace I could see the massive wooden doors that lead to the woods in front of the castle. We're almost there. Just a little further and-

"Brother! There you are! I was wondering where you had run off."

I sharply turn my head to the right seeing my lech of a brother. My sister Anna was with him as well. And even my father was with them. Shit.

I turn back to Tony and hold out a pinky finger. It was one of the many customs that mortals make when making a promise to each other. Tony had taught me. It was when he made me promise to him that I wouldn't keep anymore secrets.

Being the prince of your coven wasn't technically a secret was it? After all, it's not as if Tony had asked me.

"Whatever you do don't talk and follow my lead ok Tony? You have to trust me on this?"

He simply nods his head and locks his pinky finger with mine. Turning back I mentally prepare myself for what could only be a less than pleasant talk with my family.

"Hello dear brother." Anna comes up to me and gives me a hug. Returning it back I lock my eyes with Gregory who had a sly smirk. "Don't worry brother, Gregory has no idea, that you brought him back from the human world." Feeling somewhat reassured I still knew he was plotting something in that cess pool of a mind, but what?

Retracting from the hug my sister curiously looks over Tony as she goes up to him. When she was fixing his wound be was completely unconscious and didn't really get to take a good look at him. Her curious states and glances making him flinch and start to sweat from nervousness.

"Is this the new pet Gregory was going on about? I will say he is as lovely as Gregory described. Lucky you getting to him before us."

Mentally gagging at her fake remarks I simply state the facts. "Yes it is. I got it from the market just a week or so ago." Shifting my gaze from Anna to Tony I could see him giving me a worried look.

I'm so sorry Tony. I'm doing this to protect you, I swear it.

"Well son. I do say, at least now you won't have to go feeding off of the livestock anymore. I can't tell you how embarrassing it was for me to have people speak about the King's son drinking from the same cup as the lower class."

I mentally roll my eyes at his comment. I drink from the same cup as the lower class because having pets, especially as many as him is morally corrupt and disgusting.

"Why dear brother, do mind me asking, why isn't he wearing a collar? After all you would want everyone in the kingdom knowing that it's the Prince's pet. That way you wouldn't dare have someone try and toy with him. That and I'm fairly certain he would look exquisite with a collar. And overall just gagged and bound as well." Gregory smirked to himself.

"Oh for fuck's sake don't be obscene Gregory!" Anna hissed at him seemingly not being able to get the mental image of Tony in bondage out of her mind.

"I have to agree with your sister. Some things are best not said aloud Gregory. If only you had a line." My father sighed before continuing, focusing his attention on me.

"Although Gregory has a point son. Have you not come up with a name for your pet? I can request the finest tailors in the kingdom to make one for it right away.

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