Chapter 4

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*Aiden's POV*

I am scared of what will happen. I jump off the train rolling onto the hill. Then I ran into line. As I wait for my turn I look behind me at Blair and then at Chloe. I look across at the Amity line. Then I see Daisy and I smile she smiles back. It was my turn to go in. As I walked in I saw a man working on a computer or something.
"Hello." He said as he finally looked up, he was Erudite. "Take a seat. My name is Tyler. I will be administrating your test."
I hopped onto the chair. I was breathing hard. He took this glass full of blue liquid and gave it to me. I drank it. "Yummy" I said sarcastically. Tyler looked at me "good luck" I nodded as I went into the simulation.
I was in a room... With mirrors everywhere. I looked all around. "Choose before it's to late." A voice said. I turned around and saw myself standing right behind me. I turned around and there were these plate type things on stands. Three with meat and three with knives.
"Choose." She said louder. I bobbed my head back.
"Tell me."I turned back to the bowls and they were empty. I herd harsh barking of a dog. I looked in front of me and it started walking up to me. The dog broke off into a sprint and I kneeled down, submitting to it. The dog then sat infront of me wagging its tail.
I smiled at it "Not so though are ya?" The dog then stood up and started growling at a small little girl and started chasing her. I chased the dog down grabbing its scruff.
I now stood on a bus and a guy came up approaching me. "Know this guy?" He asked pointing at a news paper... My father. "Not at all" I looked back outside. "It could save me!" He yelled at me. "I dont know him!" I screamed back.
I woke up in the chair again my eyes opened wide. Tyler stood with his mouth open "Don't tell anyone-" My eyebrows went up in confusion. "Don't tell anyone what?" Tyler turned to me "Your test results- they were inclusive" I stood up heading to the door.
"What were they?" I asked grabbing the handle. Tyler walked up to me,fumbling with his blue shirt. "Dauntless... Eudite and Abnegation... Dauntless for saving the girl, Eudite for submitting to the dog and lying to the man, Abnegation for not taking the knife or cheese... Your Divergent" my grasp clenched on the door handle when he said Divergent. "Ill put in the results you got Dauntless... Remember... Tomorrow is your choice, and don't tell anyone" I nodded heading out of the door.
*Blair's POV*
Ten Minuets Earlier
I went into the aptitude test room. There sitting in a chair was a man. He was looking at a computer screen. I was in a different room than Aiden. He looked up finally.
"My name's Josh." he said."Take a seat. I will be administrating your test."
I quickly sat in the seat. I looked back at him. He picked up a glass with liquid in it. The liquid was blue. He handed it to me "Drink it." He said. I quickly drank it. It tasted like sweat mixed with butter. Then I went into the simulation.
I was in the same room. On the chair but Josh wasn't there. I looked at every wall and it was all mirrors. There were so many mirrors I could see myself over and over again. I turned around in the right time because in the mirror was me saying "Choose before it's to late." I turned around again and this time there were bowls filled with meat the other bowls were filled with knives.
"But why? What do I do with them? "Choose." She said louder than before. "Tell me and I will choose." I protested.
I turned back to the bowls and the knives and meat were gone. I was freaking out. I herd a loud growl. In front of me was a vicious dog walking toward me. It started to run. "This isn't real." I said to myself. I kneeled down to pet the dog. it wasn't vicious anymore.
"Puppy!" I turned to see a little girl smiling. Then she looked afraid. I herd growling again. The vicious dog started to chase her. I got to my feet running as fast as I could. I caught up to the dog and jumped on it grabbing it with all my might. I went through the floor. Then I was on a bus going to somewhere. A man approached me with a newspaper in his hand.
"Do you know this man?" He asked lifting the newspaper into my face. I looked closer at the image. It was my dad? "Do you know him?" He asked again.
"Please it could save me." He yelled.
"I said NO!" I screamed into his face.
I sat up in the chair with Josh staring at me. "Get up." He said.
"What were my results?"
"Inclusive." He responded. "You got Dauntless, Erudite, and Abnegation."
"But that's impossible." I said.
"No it's not. They call it Divergent. You can't tell anyone about this. Not even your family or your friends."
"Why?" I asked.
"The Erudite are hunting Divergent's. They want to kill them all."
My body froze. I was going to die weren't I?
"Don't ask anymore questions just get out of here. I will do everything I can to keep this test result from the Erudite. Tell your parents you got sick. Run out the back door. Now!"
I ran out of the door and into an ally. I bumped into a trash can as I passed. I ran home as fast as I could. I got there and I opened the door. My parents stared as I entered. "What are you doing here so early?" My mother asked.
"I got sick from the simulation serum." I lied.
"That's exactly what I told my parents." She said. "They were inclusive weren't they?"
I bit my lip. I remembered what Josh said. "No I got sick."
"No you didn't."
"Fine I got inclusive. Who cares!?" I yelled.
I ran into my room slamming the door behind me. I sat on my bed as I threw a knife at a piece of cheese. I got it right in the middle of the cheese. I stood up and walked over to the cheese. I took a piece and ate it. I wondered what Aiden was doing right now. Then I wondered about what Daisy was doing. And then thought of Chloe. If they got inclusive too I hope they don't die.
Aiden seemed to walk in at the right time. I turned around and looked at her. Aiden had her eyes glues to the ground "What did you get?" I asked. "I thought we weren't supposed to tell." Aiden smirked at me. "Why did you leave early?" Aiden walked over to me "I got sick" I stated. Aiden stared at me, she looked a lot like her dad. "Don't do that!" I said to her walking away from the cheese to go pick up another knife. Aiden followed me "Dont do what?" Aiden looked confused. "You look like your dad when you do that!" I picked up another knife. Aiden started laughing.
"People tend to say I look like him." She messed with her pokets. "Well its true" I threw the knife at the cheese again hitting it in the middle. "Where did you get the cheese from?" Aiden asked me. "Over the rainbow." I replied. "Yeah, okay. My dads gonna be on my butt about the aptitude test, see ya later." Aiden waved at me. "Good luck!" I said as she left.
*Aiden's POV*
I walk down to the pit instead of going home in search of my dad. It ended up he was talking to Max, as usual. Then he spotted me, he told Max something and walked over to me. "Lets go home." He started to walk past me to our house,he looked back at me. I nodded catching up with him.
When no one was around us he stared questioning me. "what did you get?" He asked me. "I thought you weren't supposed to tell." I looked at him. He shook his head "Tell me." He raised his eyebrows. "Dauntless." I tried my best to lie, witch wasn't easy for me to do to my dad. He nodded "You were supposed to be home earlier." I sighed "I couldn't find Blair after the test so I went searching for her. She said she was sick." My dad gave me a look. "Oh really?" He raised an eyebrow "Yeah." I looked to the side.
We walked into our apartment. It was getting pretty late too. "Get to bed." My dad ordered. "Yes sir!" I said laughing making him look at me sideways, pulling a smile on his face. I went to bed and thought about today and tomorrow. I hoped Blair wasn't Divergent.

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