Chapter 10

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*Blair's POV *
I turn down the hall heading to training. When I got into the room, something slapped me on the arm. I looked down at my arm to see a red mark, it was blood. I looked up to meet Aiden holding half of a fish. "Where did you get that?" I asked her. She shrugged and pointed across the room. The other half of the fish was over there.
I walked over to go and get it. I turned around and Aiden was on a mat. "First person to get slapped loses..." She grinned at me. I held up the fish and did a battle cry heading for Aiden. She dodged me and was ready to slap me, she almost hit me, but I was lucky she didn't. I swung my half of the fish in her direction right as she swung her's at me. The two fish made this weird, gross, slapping sound. I gagged and backed away from Aiden.
Aiden was trying to hold a smile, but was failing. I swung my fish half at her but she ran and went by the door turning back and looking at me. I carefully walked over to her. She swung her fish in a small circle and looked behind me.
I turned around and my dad was entering the room. I felt something wet touch my arm. I looked down to see a red mark. Aiden's half of the fish had hit me. I lost. I tried to slap Aiden back but she was across the room already. She trashed her half of the fish and I did the same on the other side of the room.
Eric walked in right as I threw my half away. He glared at me while Aiden came over to me. "That, was stupid..." I growled at Aiden. She shrugged trying to stop smiling. I walked over to the punching bags. I ripped at that one, most of the sand falling out. How could I have lost?! I thought. I ripped at the tape on the next one, it splitting open too.
I turned around and ran into somebody. I slightly looked up to find Eric. Eric had his arms crossed "I want every grain of sand picked up before tomorrow." he snarled. I nodded hearing someone slap the floor. I looked over to find Aiden trying desperately to not laugh. Aiden looked like a retarded whale on the floor.
"How about you help her?" Eric asked Aiden. Aiden stopped and stood up "I'm good." Aiden then slowly slithered away. I picked up a little bit of sand and it felt soft. I dragged a trash can over to the sand mess. I grabbed a broom and a dustpan. I swept up the mess and left the room. My face was red with anger. Its all Aiden's fault. I thought. I slammed the door to the private room. I turned and glared at Aiden.
"You left me there to work! You son of a B-" I started. But Hunter walked in with flowers in his hands. He turned around when he saw the anger in my eyes. He closed the door quickly. I turned back to Aiden. She took her phone out of her pocket.
"What were you saying?" She asked tauntingly. "You left me!" I shouted at her. "Hey! Its not my fault you got anger problems..." Aiden's voice trailed off. "I don't have anger problems!" I screeched at Aiden, I was even more mad. "Your face is getting red." Aiden said bored. She doesn't even care! "You don't care?" I was calming down a bit. Aiden looked up from her phone about to speak when Chloe walked into the room. I fell onto my bed. I took the nearest pillow to me and stuffed it in my face. I started to scream but it was muffled by the pillow.
I felt Aiden and Chloe staring at me. So I sat there. Then I heard someone fall off their bed, then a "You piece of sheeet!" It was Aiden. I looked over to see Aiden on the floor, with her arm up in the air. "You're so stupid..." I mumbled to her. Her gaze met mine, she sat up and glared at me looking like her dad. I rolled my eyes and took out my phone and earbuds. I stuck the earbuds in my ears and turned my music up to full blast.
*Aiden's POV*
She rolled her eyes at me. But I can get why she's mad, I did ditch her. I opened the text app and texted Blair.
"Why are you mad at me?" I texted. "Stop texting me." She responded.
"Nuh" I replied. She was gonna get even more mad. Then, my phone said sorry this user removed you. I couldn't believe it. She removed me. I stared at her. She didn't even look at me. I walked to the door that read, Hunter's room. I opened the door and walked in. I closed the door behind me to find Hunter watching a movie and eating juicy, buttery popcorn.
"Where'd you get that?" I asked him. "Over the rainbow." He replied, not really looking at me. "That's nice." I walked over to him stealing a piece. I sat down beside him and set my head on his shoulder. "What are you watching?" I asked him.
"The Hunger Games."
"Cool," I replied. I stole another piece of popcorn tasting the buttery inside. Suddenly, Hunter put his arm around me, holding me tight beside him. It was about 9:00 Pm. when he put the second movie in. He walked to a microwave beside his bed and made some more popcorn. Hunter sat down on the bed right as someone died a gory death in the movie. He put his arm around me again and I set my head on his shoulder as I took a hand full of popcorn.
I had eventually fell asleep and had woke up beside Hunter. I didn't wake Hunter up when I left his room. Blair and Chloe weren't in the room then I realized it was 11 in the morning. I over slept for training! I went and woke up Hunter and told him we over slept and had to hurry.
Neither of us had changed from yesterday so we were out the door within 10 seconds. We raced down the hall to training. Once Hunter and me burst through the door we got stares from everyone, my dad especially.
Hunter went and stood by his friends, while I went over to where Blair was. Blair didn't speak to me but Chloe asked "Where were you?" I looked at her "Hunter and me were watching movies last night and over slept." Chloe nodded.
"Why are you two so late?" My dad asked gritting his teeth. I didn't speak and neither did Hunter. I was scared of what my dad would do to me if I told and if I didn't tell. "Well..." I started, rubbing my hands together and leaning forward.
My dad crossed his arms and raised his eyebrow. "We were watching movies and slept in." Hunter said, looking at me. I nodded and my dad studied us, trying to see if we were lying "Don't let it happen again." My dad walked off, uncrossing his arms.
Hunter let out a heavy sigh and i laughed. "Aiden and Jayda, in the ring." My dad hollered. I stepped up onto the mat and watched Jayda, a Erudite transfer, my dad said that Dauntless borne and transfers would be training together this year.
I get my footing as my dad said "Go!" I made the first punch and Jade only got in a few before i had her in the ground. I kicked her stomach until she wasn't breathing and I stepped back. I got in one last kick before I stepped down from the mat. "Blair and Hunter in the ring!" My dad yelled next.
Blair's prov.
"Blair and Hunter in the ring!" I herd Eric yell while I was talking to Chloe. My eyes grew wide. I walked onto the mat, cracking my knuckles. I waited for Hunter to walk onto the mat. His eyes were filled with fear. "Go." Eric said. I thrusted my fist into his throat like I did to Aiden. He fell immediately, blood spilling from him. I tried to kick him but one of his hands grabbed my leg and pulled me down. He punched me in the lip. I kicked him other my other leg as my body fell to the floor. I got back up and punched him in his gut before he fully stood up. I wiped the blood off my lip and walked off the mat.
I looked at Aiden who just stared at Hunter. "I beat up your boyfri-" I didn't even get to finish 'Boyfriend' before she attacked me. She thrusted her elbow into my gut. I heard my dad from the other side of the room "Aiden!" Aiden let go of me looking at my dad. Aiden glared at me stepping back. "It's not my fault your boyfriend is weak..." I mumbled to her. I walked over to Anna and practiced with her.
"So what's going on with Aiden and you?" She asked.
"She's a jerk. I replied. I looked over at Aiden, who had her arms crossed glaring at me. "How so?" Anna asked. "We were playing a game and my dad walked in and she beat me. So then I got mad and made a mess with the sand from the punching bags. Eric walked in and he told me to pick it up and then Aiden laughed. Eric then asked her to help me and she said no and then she attacked me for beating up her boyfriend in the ring." I said.
"Intense." Anna replied.
"Yeah I know." I said. I walked over to the ranking board with Anna. I was in first place. Aiden was in second place. Hunter was in third place. Daisy was in tenth. Anna was in fifth. And Zach was in fourth. I watched as Aiden glared at me. She looked like her dad.
Aiden turned and said something to Hunter. Hunter looked at my dad, then me, then my dad again. I gave him a confused face. He turned back to Aiden. Then, Zach walked over to me.
"Hey. Good job your in first place." He said. "Thanks." I replied.
"I transfered from Abnegation." He said. I smiled at him.
"Well your doing pretty good for a stiff." I said. He sorta looked down, then back up at me. "Uh, thanks." He smiled.
I looked over at Eric who was behind a transfer. Eric had his arms crossed and the transfer looked scared. Really scared. I looked over at Aiden who was talking to Chloe. Aiden glared at me once in a while. Zach gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and went back to training. I then turned back to Anna who was trying to keep in a laugh. I punched her in the arm.
"Let's get back to practicing." Anna said, her purplish-brownish hair covering half of her face.
"Okay." I said. We practiced for about thirty seconds until Eric yelled.
"Alright we're done for the day. Get out." Eric yelled at everyone. I waved goodbye to Anna as I entered my room. I closed the door behind me to find Aiden watching my every move. I walked to my bed and pulled the blankets over my head. I took out my phone and texted Anna.
"Kill me now!" I texted.
"Why?" She replied.
"Aiden is watching my every fricken move..." I
"Oh." She texted back almost immediately. "Gtg." I texted.
"Ok." She replied.
I felt bad for everything I did to her so I added her back. I waited for her to accept. Your request was accepted. My phone read. I smiled, we just became friends again. I lifted my fellow and looked at Aiden, "I'm sorry." She looked down. "I am too" I replied.

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