Chapter 7

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*Blair's POV*

"First two jumpers, in the ring." Eric hollered. My eyes widened as did Aiden's. I shuffled to the mat and got up on it, Aiden did too. "Alright Fight!" Eric yelled. Aiden thrusted toward me with her fist. I ducked as soon as I saw it coming. I threw my fist into her throat. My father taught me that. I hit her and she started to choke on her own blood. She threw her fist into my face, hitting my lip, and making it bleed. I tasted the blood for a second.
"Tasty." I said smerking. I threw my fist into her stomach and dodging her next move. She fell to the ground coughing. I felt bad for hurting my friend that I knew since I was born. I knew it was going to happen sometime. She got up and hit my stomach a few times. I somehow got her in a head lock. I started punching her gut and she stared elbowing me.
I threw her to the ground and stared kicking her. She grabbed my leg yanking me down with her. She got on top of me and stared punching my face. I grabbed her wrist and she didn't move. We both looked at our dads, mine was standing there, his forehead wrinkled, and Aiden's dad had his arms crossed.
Aiden sighed flinging my arms off of hers. Aiden stood up looking away from me. I took this as my advantage time. I hurled myself off the ground, my fist raised, she turned her head and I got her strait in the cheek bone.
Aiden went tumbling backwards, grabbing her face. I turned in a circle and kicked Aiden's ass. I pushed her onto the ground and kicked her stomach. She
tryed grabbing my leg again, but I didnt let it happen this time. I got my foot back kicking her chest knocking the wind out of her.
She stared coughing and she got on her knees. I kicked her in the stomach and she stared coughing blood. "ENOUGH!" Eric's voice boomed from my right. "Jumpers 2 and 3, fight!" Eric walked off, mad. My dad had a smerk on his face.
My dad walked over to me "Good job, Blair!" He congradulated me. "Thanks-" I looked at Aiden who was sitting on a bench holding her stomach looking down.
I trotted over to her "I'm sorry." I studied her face. She smiled at me "That was a good fight." She whiped some blood from her mouth. I smiled "Lets go watch Chloe and Daisy fight" I looked at the mat to see them climbing on it. Aiden nodded and stood up, we shuffled over to the edge of the mat.

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