Chapter 11

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*Aiden's POV *

I woke up and looked at my alarm clock. I woke up 1 minute before the alarm went off. I turned it off and flipped to the other side of the bed. I watched Blair as she turned her alarm clock off. Then I looked over Blair to see Chloe doing the same thing. I stood up and quickly got dressed before everyone. I watched as Blair yawned and stood up. She grabbed her clothes and walked to the bathroom. Before she closed the bathroom door I saw her phone barely slip out of her pocket. I took my phone out immediately and opened snapchat. I took a picture of the bathroom door and said "why did you take your phone with you?" And then I sent it to her. She sent back a message saying, "How did you know?!" I wanted to make her mad so I sent her this, "Skills."
I walked to the training room to find my dad. "Were gonna start fear landscapes today." He said fiddling with an iPad that probably kept all the rankings. I nodded backing up to the door. "See ya!" I said then turned around but before I could leave I got a "Wait-" from my dad.
I sighed turning around looking at him. "Are you and Hunter a thing?" He asked. I shook my head no. He nodded, looking back at the iPad. With that I left and turned down the hall heading for the room where fear landscapes would be tooken place at. I sat in the waiting room beside Blair and on the other side of me was Hunter. After Jayda came out of the room where the fear landscapes were. Her eyes were blank but her face was in fear.
"Aiden!" I herd Four yell, "Your turn." I stood up and walked toward the room. "Hey Fourrrr!" I greeted him. He glared at me the, said "You know how this works..." He shoved the syringe in my neck quite harshly. I looked at him bordly. "Have fun." Was all he said before I entered my landscape.
I was standing in a room that had one window, no door, and concrete walls. It was pretty big though. Then out of no where killer clowns decided to show up. 4 clowns called in the through the window. They lunged at me with their knifes out.
I screeched the entire time I did this. I kicked the first one where the sun doesn't shine. I dodged the next one. I was half way to the window. I grabbed the next one by the red hair it had on its face, squeaked its nose, then took its knife cutting it, and moving forward. On the last clown I just chucked the knife I had in my head into its face and crawled through the window.
I woke up and stared at Four. "Clowns?" He asked, trying not to laugh. I rolled my eyes at him walking out the door and into the waiting room. Blair looked at me then her dad.
Once I got out of the waiting room, my dad was there. Of course​.
Blair's POV*
"Blair! It's your turn!" My dad yelled as Aiden stepped out of the room. I stood up and slowly walked toward the door. My dad took out a syringe and put it to my neck quickly. I winced as my eyes closed.
I opened my eyes to find myself standing on a railroad track, high off of the ground. I tried to move around but something stopped me. Some kind of glass was blocking my way. If I tried to move it would fall of the tracks, making me fall to my death. Water started filling up in the glass container. I tried to swim toward the top of the tank but instead it made the glass tip a little bit.
"This isn't real." I thought to myself. I tapped on the glass, breaking it. As it broke, I threw myself over the edge of the train tracks and imagined a door on the ground so I could get out of here. I opened my eyes to find the door in front of me. I fell through it.
I opened my eyes, breathing hard. I looked at my dad who was shaking his head. "What?" I asked. "Divergent..." He mumbled, typing quickly on his computer. I nodded walking up to the door. He grabbed my shoulder before I opened it. "Don't tell anyone." He said quickly, pushing me out the door.
I walk out of the testing room, then out of the Aiden was standing on a table, sword fighting a boy named Eli, with a French Fry. Aiden tryed stabbing him but Eli dodged. This went on like this for awhile.
Eric entered the room crossing his arms standing at the end of the table. He was only noticed when Eli tripped over him, landing on his head. Aiden held her arms up in victory, while Anna, Daisy, Chloe, and me cheered. Everyone else was quiet cause they were scared of Eric. Pansycakes. I helped Aiden off the table and grabbed a tray. I filled my plate with food and sat down by Aiden, Anna, Daisy, Zach, Chloe, and Hunter. The topic of telling each other our fears came up.
"There was fire burning a building to the ground and I was inside of it." Hunter said.
Chloe told her fear next. "There were spiders crawling everywhere across my body."
"I fought killer clowns." Aiden said, scooping a spoon full of mashed potatos into her mouth. I stared at her, "Wow..." She glared at me.

Eric's daughter(DISCONTINUED)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant