Chapter 12

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*Blair's POV*

I was on my bed looking at my phone, when Aiden jumped on my bed. "I got a very stupid idea!" She said, smiling. "I'm listening..." I said smerking. "Well... We go and see what Erudite is doing." She said, getting off my bed and stood up. I nodded.
I looked up at Aiden while putting on my shoes. Aiden was looking at the door, "I got a plan," she said, "We avoid our parents, but if they see us, we say were gonna just go outside?" I stood up and said, "We need something better..."
"Like what?" She asked. "Hmm..."
"Lets wing it." Aiden finally said.
"Okay." I replied. "Let's do this." She nodded and opened the door. I followed her as she walked, casually down the hallway. When Aiden reached the end of the hall, she stopped and turned around. "Other way." She said. "Why?" I asked. "My dads down that way with Max." She responded. I nodded and walked the other way. She followed me. We sped down the hall towards the exit. I opened the door, and breathed in the fresh air. Aiden did the same, "Okay, the train comes in 5 minuets." I said.
*5 minutes later...*
The train sped in front of us. I started to run. I jumped up on the side, and pressed the button. The door opened as I climbed in. Aiden climbed in after me. I sat down by a pile of boxes. I tried to catch my breath. Aiden sat on the other side of the train.
"Well that was fun." She said. I smiled and looked outside. Erudite was just up ahead.
"Get ready to jump." I told Aiden. I stood up and held a metal bar, to keep me steady. An Erudite building passed us. "Now." I said, letting go of the bar, and jumping out, onto the grass. Aiden jumped out and rolled over to my feet as I stood up. "Hey you can go screw around but I need to go see my cousin, Bradly." I said.
"Okay." Aiden replied. Aiden ran off somewhere, probably to go mess with someone. I started walking around in search of Bradly. When I was about to give up, I found him. His dad was Caleb, my mom's brother. I walked up to him, his back was towards me, I touched his shoulder. Bradly jumped and turned around and looked at me, "Blair nova?" I smiled at Bradley and said, "Just Blair."
"What are you doing here?" He asked. "My friend Aiden said we should come." I responded. "Where is she then?" He asked. I shrugged to his question. Bradly and me got cought up for about 10 minuets when Aiden came sprinting down Erudite sidewalk, "RUN!" Aiden screeched. "What did you do?!" I yelled at her and left Bradly and started running.
Aiden started laughing as I turned around and some Erudite were chasing us. "What did you do?!" I yelled at Aiden again as we turned a corner. "Well, lets just say I broke some junk... That was important..." Rin said. I gasped and yelled at her again, "Adilyn!" Aiden started laughing, "Blair nova!" She yelled back at me.
When we turned another corner to get out of here, when Jeanine stopped us. Aiden started backing up when Jeanine said, "Why don't we have a chat?" Aiden tried to make up an excuse, "Sorry, but look at the time... We better go..." Jeanine shook her head and trapped both of our shoulders, her left and on Aiden's, and her right on mine.
We walked into Erudite hq and into Jeanine's office. "So girls..." Jeanine started, "Why did you decide to come to Erudite?" Aiden looked at me as I looked at her, "Well..." I started. "Aiden did it!" I finished and Aiden glared at me, "I thought we were in this together! I'm offended!"
"It was your idea!" I yelled. I watched as Jeanine straitened in her chair, her blue dress moving with her movement. Aiden tried to hide a smile and said, "I told you it- it was stupid." Aiden tried very hard to not laugh. Jeanine cleared her throat and said, "Blair, I didn't see you do anything, so you are clear on that. Aiden, you broke multiple items very important to us, I believe your dad will sit that out.-" Aiden groaned as Jeanine continued, "But you both came here for no reason, so this is your final warning, and Blair, remember, faction before blood." I nodded and looked at Aiden, her dad was gonna kill her!
"I will have a car escort you home, both of your parents will be notified before you reach Dauntless. Good-bye." Jeanine said, with her standing up, two Erudites came and dragged us to their car.
*Aiden's POV*
Blair nor I said nothing on our way home. I knew I was dead. I glared at Blair, who stared at the floor of the car. I looked out the widow, to find us nearing Dauntless. "Oh, Fu-..." I cut myself off and looked at the driver, who was glaring at me. My dad and Blair nova's parents were waiting out side of Dauntless. "Keep driving-" I told the driver when he stopped. He then said, "Get out." Me and Blair did what he said. I got out before Blair, and I immideatly wanted to back in the car, but that was before he sped away.
I looked at my dad, who was furious. Blair's parents looked mad, but not half as mad as my dad.
"Adilyn!" My dad yelled. I lowered my head, staring at the pavement, trying not to smile. "Look at me when I'm talking to you!" He said, sternly like I was a child. I looked at him. He grabbed me by the arm and dragged me away. "Why were you there!?" He asked, in a loud voice.
"I don't know." I said, softly. "Family re-"

"Your grounded for a month!" He yelled,cutting me off. "Give me your phone." He said,holding out his hand, and mumbled, "I'm not a baby." I knew something like this would happen so I brought a decoy phone. I knew he was gonna be more mad at me if he found out. I grabbed the decoy phone out of my pocket and handed it to him. I stomped all the way to my room, pretending to be mad, even though I wasn't. I laughed once I walked in, Chloe was already in the room, on her phone, probably texting Anna.

*Blair's POV*
I watched as Aiden got dragged off by her dad. I turned to my parents, "Hhhhi..." I started off. My dad rolled his eyes and looked at my mom, "Blair..." She then changed her tone, "It was Aiden's idea, wasn't it?" I nodded, tryong not to laugh. "Okay, I don't wanna hear that from Jeanine again, okay?" She asked me. "Okay." I replied. "Eric's gonna see you at training." My dad said. I nodded, starting to walk off.
Once I reached my room, I saw Aiden on her phone. "Wouldn't your dad take your phone?" I asked sitting on my bed. "Why I got a decoy." Aiden replied shutting her phone off and looking at me. "Your dad will be p.o.'ed." I said back. "I know." Aiden replied smerking.

Eric's daughter(DISCONTINUED)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora