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THE LOUD BLARING of my alarm clock made me wake up from my seemingly never-ending dream. Last night consisted of me tossing and turning restlessly until I fell into a surreal and vivid slumber that felt like an eternal nightmare.

"Shit," I grumbled when I saw the time. I was running beyond late. Stumbling out of bed, I hopped in and out of the shower. I blowdried my sopping wet hair as I brushed my teeth and quickly changed into the first clothes I could find. I threw my textbooks into my backpack and ran downstairs.

"Good morning," my mom said as soon as I entered the kitchen.

"Why didn't anyone wake me up?" I threw a slice of bread in the toaster and poured myself a glass of orange juice.

"We weren't sure if you wanted to go to school today," she said.

"Your mother and I have been talking about the possibility of homeschool," my dad added.

"What? Why?"

"These notes are nothing to take lightly," my dad tried to reason. "And clearly school isn't a safe place for you."

"Right, so leave me trapped in the house that the stalker knows I live in," I scoffed.

He sighed. "Carter..."

"I'm gonna be late." I grabbed my backpack and walked out the front door, neglecting the now burnt bread in the toaster.


The warning bell for class rang as soon as I reached my locker. Shawn, Aaliyah, Kellen and Jake were all at their respective lockers.

"Thanks for accompanying me to school," I grumbled as I pushed past them.

"We weren't sure if you'd be in the mood to come," Kellen said.

Aaliyah threw her arms around me. "Jake told us what happened. How are you feeling?"

I wriggled out of her hug. "I'm fine."

Shawn patted my shoulder reassuringly. "We're here if you ever need anything."

"Thanks, guys."

The bell rang, signalling it was time for homeroom.

"Meet at lunch," Aaliyah said before everyone parted ways. Everyone except for Kellen and Jake.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Kellen asked.

I gave him a forced smile. "I'm fine. Trust me."

"I'll see you later then." He glanced at me one last time before leaving.

"If you're going to ask me if I'm fine then I suggest you leave."

Jake chuckled. "Actually, I was going to ask if you wanted to skip homeroom and grab some breakfast."

I raised my eyebrows, not expecting that. "I guess that would depend on who's paying."

"How about this: I'll pay and I'll drive?" He whipped out Shawn's car keys from his pocket.

I grinned at him. "Deal."


I stabbed a tater tot with my fork before shoving it into my mouth. When I heard Jake laugh I looked up at him. "What is it?"

"You have ketchup all over your face."

Embarrassedly, I snatched a napkin and wiped the ketchup off my face. "Shut up," I muttered.

"We never really hang out," Jake noted.

I cocked an eyebrow. "We see each other every day."

He shook his head. "I meant one on one." He paused. "I really like spending time with you, Carter."

Despite the relatively cool diner, my cheeks flushed a light shade of red. "Me too."

It wasn't until a couple weeks ago did I realize I was developing feelings for Jake. No one knew about it, not even Aaliyah. I was scared if we tried things out we wouldn't last and our whole friendship dynamic would be ruined. Plus, I didn't want Kellen to be the fifth wheel. We had all been friends way too long for a relationship to risk ruining it. Aaliyah and Shawn didn't count since they'd been in love with each other since we were kids. Jake and I however... I didn't know if it was worth the gamble.

"Lost in thought?"

I took a sip from my milkshake, my lips curving into a smile. "Just a lot of stuff on my mind."

"Let's hear them," he suggested.

I waved him off. "Got any plans for this weekend?"

"And this weekend is...?"

I gawked at him. "Halloween, stupid!"

He rolled his eyes. "I don't know about you, but I'm a little too grown for..." Jake's voice trailed off and his eyes lit up. "The carnival!"


He was grinning from ear to ear. "We are going to the carnival on Halloween night."

Not a Night for Clowning AroundWhere stories live. Discover now