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A MEDICAL RESPONDER was taking care of the cut on my hand in the back of the ambulance as I watched the police enter the scene of the crime. They put up caution tape all around the perimeter of the funhouse, ensuring no one entered until they located Kellen.

Shawn and Aaliyah got cleared for any injuries, but they were just waiting on me to get checked. The authorities called our parents who were on their way to see us.

"I still can't believe it," Aaliyah said. "He's our friend."

I shook my head. "Was."

"All that matters is that we're safe now," Shawn said. "Let's just get done here so we can go check up on Jake."

Hearing his name made my heart wrench. I was praying Jake would be okay, and I wanted so badly to be by his side right now, but these paramedics wouldn't let me go.

Two officers pushed past the crowd with a handcuffed suspect between them. I leaned forward, wondering if they caught Kellen. It was his uncle, Mr. Van Dicen. He tried to resist the cops, but they forced him into the backseat of the police cruiser.

One of the officers approached us. "Carter." It was Officer McNeil.

"Did you find him?" I pestered.

She shook her head. "We have units searching in and around this area for Kellen. We're bringing his uncle into custody in the meantime. It would really help us if you could come down to the station to answer a couple questions."

"No can do," the paramedic tending to my hand said. "She took a hard fall in there, so we have to take her to the hospital to check for any possible concussion symptoms."

"You have my card," Officer McNeil said. "Give me a call when you're ready to talk."


After hours of being examined and answering questions, they finally let us go. I spoke to my parents, who were emotional wrecks, not that I could blame them, but they were just glad I was okay.

All of our families were sitting in the waiting room, awaiting for the doctor to come out and give us an update on Jake. The wait was agonizingly long, and with every minute that passed, I was filled with more dread.

"No news is good news," my dad said reassuringly.

My mom squeezed my hand in support.

"Family of Johnson Santiago?"

We all instantly stood up, taking the doctor by surprise. "Immediate family members only."

Shawn, Aaliyah and I all looked at his aunt pleadingly. "They're just as much his family as I am," she said.

"Very well. Follow me."

We went into a more private room so the doctor could talk to us about Jake. She skimmed through the charts in her hand before speaking. "Johnson lost a lot of blood, and his wounds were very deep, but he's going to be okay."

It felt like a massive weight had just been lifted off my shoulders. Shawn pulled Aaliyah and I in for a group hug over the relieving news.

"He's going to need a lot of rest, and he can't do any strenuous activities for the next few months while he recovers," the doctor continued.

"Can we see him?" Aaliyah asked.

She nodded. "He's in Room 203."

Despite all that happened, everything was going to be okay. We were all safe and together, and that was what mattered most.

Kellen thought his envy and jealousy could break our friendship and tear us apart, but all it did was bring the four of us closer together. I knew without a doubt that our bond was unbreakable and neither Kellen nor anyone could come between us.

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