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PEERING OVER MY shoulder, I saw the outline of a figure not too far behind me. My breath caught in my throat, and I remained frozen in place. It wasn't until the figure started moving did my brain register what was happening. I dropped the drinks and ran as far away from them as I could get. The sound of their footsteps inching closer and closer filled my ears, and I felt my limbs turning to jelly.

My chest was getting tight, and I was finding it harder to breathe. I pushed the doors open and sprinted through the parking lot back to the field. My breathing didn't get back to normal until I was back with the rest of the audience. Confusion coursed through me when I didn't see any sighting of Aaliyah or Kellen.

"There you are!" I jumped when Aaliyah clamped her hand on my shoulder. "We spent forever looking for you."

"Yeah, what the hell?" Kellen added. "You basically vanished."

"And you forgot our drinks," Aaliyah groaned.

"What...wh-where were you guys?" I sputtered. "Didn't you see that person? I-I...what?"

Kellen looked at me with worry. "Whoa, are you okay? Take deep breaths."

"What are you talking about, Carter?" Aaliyah asked.

I wrapped my arms around myself, holding back tears. "Someone was following me. Didn't you see?"

"I didn't see anyone. Did you, Kellen?"

He shook his head. "No one else was there, Carter."

Aaliyah wrapped her arms around me. "I think you're being paranoid."

"I swear I saw someone," I muttered.

"Want me to take you home?"

I wiped a stray tear off my cheek. "No, I promised to watch the game."


"Damn, Carter, maybe you are my good luck charm," Jake said with a goofy grin.

I rolled my eyes. "Just eat your stupid ice cream."

Shawn snickered. "Someone's a sore loser."

I flicked a spoon of red velvet ice cream at Shawn, making the table erupt with laughter.

"How does red velvet ice cream even taste?" Jake asked.

I gawked at him. "You've never had it before?"

He shrugged. "I'm a classic vanilla guy."

"Boring," I scoffed.

Aaliyah kicked my leg under the table, and when I was about to yell at her she gave me a stern look.

"Did you want to try?" I offered Jake tentatively.

He smiled. "I thought you'd never ask." Jake scooped some of my ice cream with his spoon and took a bite. Immediately, his lips curved up in satisfaction. "This is delicious!"

"Why do you think it's my favourite? Now give it back."

He held the bowl out of my reach. "No way! This is too good."

"Please give it back," I begged.

He chuckled. "How about we share it?"

I tried to avoid looking at Aaliyah, whom I already knew had a full blossomed smile on her face. "Deal."

Everyone was deep in conversation about today's game while I couldn't stop staring at the bowl of ice cream I was sharing with Jake. We both went for the ice cream at the same time and our spoons clinked against each other's. I glanced up at Jake who was already looking down at me and we smiled.


Shawn tossed his car keys to Jake as we walked out of the café. "The missus and I have some catching up to do, if you know what I mean..."

I smacked his arm. "You're gross."

"So," he continued. "You can drive these losers home."

"Cool, thanks man," Jake said.

"I call shotgun!" I ran to Shawn's car before Kellen could claim my seat. Once we were all in, Jake started the engine and drove.

"Wouldn't it make sense to drop Carter first since I live closer to you?" Kellen asked from the backseat. I had to fight the urge to smack him.

"Don't worry, man. I don't mind the extra trip." Jake's eyes flickered to me before going back on the road. I bit my lip to suppress the smile threatening to show, and I couldn't help but notice Jake doing the same.

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