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The family was vacationing in New York City, taking the opportunity to visit relatives. 

Or so the Chade children assumed. Henry and Willa, the heads of the family were scoping places to live outside of England, hoping to protect their daughter from the past, or what was more perplexing, her future. While the children explored Hyde Park, Willa was seated on a bench waiting for word from her husband who was in a meeting to secure a place for their daughter in America's wizarding school. 

She heard the crackle of space before she witnessed him approach her. 

"Professor Dumbledore," She greeted cautiously, "What brings you here for this visit?" Her green eyes met his own. The familiar twinkle dimmed in his blue hues as his eyes wandered the empty park. Before they rested on the eldest, and the only daughter, Judith Chade. "I merely came for a small chat, I've had word that you wish to move here?" 

The headmasters' tone was friendly and open yet Willa couldn't help the shivers that cascaded down her spine, at her silence Dumbledore continued to question their circumstances, "Where is Henry?" 

"He's at Ilvermony," 

He nodded, unperturbed to lose a student, Dumbledore's heart weighed at the circumstances the Chade family were forced into, "I know I can't ask you to make this sacrifice," He started, hoping to change Willa's mind. She interrupted before he could finish, "You're right you can't ask me to do this."

"She will be in greater danger eventually, he will hunt her down." Dumbledore tried to reason, both pair of eyes inspected the Chade children, Judith who had just turned fourteen had developed her shape over the summer, her eyes a vibrant green like her mother's, her skin tanned from the summer spent in the sun, her hair had been temporarily dyed black.

 She was still short, so much so that her brother mocked her, even as she scolded him there was a gleam in her eyes. This innocence or naivety radiated from her blessed childhood. A loving mother, a hardworking protective father, and an adorable younger brother who called himself her knight. Dumbledore was glad that she had a glimpse of happiness before she came to her place in the war; it would put an end to that. 

Her very own curiosity, the need to ask questions would place her as a friend to death. 

They heard the ringing laughter of her younger brother, Thomas who had his father's brown hair and coffee eyes; was trying to put a caterpillar they found in her hair, claiming that the dark hair would provide the perfect nest and protection for when it became a butterfly. 

"I can't let this go Dumbledore, not yet," Willa whispered gravely to the older wizard. 

"Your husband and son are proud Gryffindors, brave, honorable, and protective, your years were spent as a Slytherin yet you managed to cheat death to be with Henry. You're daughter however has the unwavering trait of Hufflepuff, the woman she becomes would do this Willa."

Tears cascaded down her cheeks as her resolve wavered, Henry was going to be furious at her. But she knew, the price to live free was high, her daughter would need to follow the trail, without Henry and Willa trying to change her future. 

"They are willing to let the world burn for the sake of not having to choose. Are you Willa?"

"Please," She begged the headmaster, "At least give us more time, just a little more time with her before-" Willa chocked on the words, not willing to have the rest of the world hear. 

"I will keep her away from them." 

"You Promise?"

"I swear to it." Dumbledore did his best to reassure the woman, Sirius Black will not touch her daughter, neither would her path cross with the boy. Willa watched through her blurred vision as Dumbledore rose from the place next to her. He seemed to adjust his robes and she could spot the little inadequacies of glamour that he wore. The muggles near her had noticed nothing wrong with the man they were charmed not to see. "The letters will be coming soon, it is a beautiful day is it not?" He looked to the heavens, face heavy in contemplation yet he looked as though the world had been lifted from his shoulders. 

They had folded into his hands, even at the cost of their happiness and safety. 

Willa knew she would regret this beautiful sunny day in New York City.

Dumbledore bid his goodbye, wishing her and Henry will, before stating that their letters will come by owl once they return home to England.

He knew Willa thought to herself. He expected her to bend and she did.  A Slytherin knew the costs and prices to things even at their own expense. Her husband would have impulsively vetoed Dumbledore time and again no matter how much he respected the man. She wiped her cheeks clearing evidence of her tears.

"Mom!" Thomas came running to his mother at the bench, Judith only slightly behind her brother was cackling at him. Pigeons were chasing her younger son, trying to land on his chestnut hair where crumbs of bread sprinkled the strands. He looked like an appetizing meal to the grey and white plumed birds. 

"Get them out!" He yelled shaking his head. "Stay still then!" Willa laughed as she sat her son next to them and shooed the birds away each time they tried to take a dive at him.

Willa refused to look at Judith, and her daughter noticed, her cackles having died out. Judith knew her mother was in another swing. Her mental health acted as a pendulum, sometimes she would be ok but others Judith would do something and her mother would scream or cry. She kept herself at a distance, never feeling brave enough to approach her mother. 

The evening ended with his girlish squeals and Willa's laughter. 

The Swann residence in Queens was a small apartment but the small size did nothing to ruin the homey warmth that wrapped around the Chade family. The apartment was designed to replicate the Gryffindor common room. A homage to the owners' house at Hogwarts, the Swann's had left England at the end of the War needing to recuperate. Yet they stayed permanently in New York. As time passed another Swann was gone from this world, until only two remained, Isadora Swann, and her adopted daughter Lilliana Swann who studied in Ilvermony.

"He's going to be angry," Isadora warned her sister in law, she knew what her brother was like even if they had been on different continents. He was her twin, they shared everything from house to colors, to their crushes on girls. That was until she met her first love, Marlene. 

"I know he will be" Willa responded curtly, she was done flipping her decision over in her mind. 

The two were sitting in the living room, Judith and Thomas were pretending to sleep in their room but the women could hear the excited whispers about going back to Hogwarts. Isadora gave a weak smile, "I can remember when we used to be annoying rascals," Isadora mused, "At least they are better than you and Henry were, you two would always be antsy to return even your letters would show it." 

They chuckled although there was a vacancy in their laughter. It sounded forced, a reminiscent of their youths rather than who they are now. "You could do the same Willa, escape England now." 

The fake hearth flickered, there was no warmth from the light of the flames, not like Hogwarts. "Judy Ruelle would hate me if I did." 

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