Contest #53: DaDareDebil

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I made a young adult version of DaDareDebil character. I limited the colors because I wanted to more of a complex look. I choose to keep the bright blue, bright red, and dark grey. I wanted to give her lots and lots of bandaids. I didn't give her any scars since I though that she would have a few for getting herself in trouble. I was going to give her neon colored band aids if I keep the neon pink but the pink and red are so close together that I just left the pink out. I also got rid of of the maroon.

I made a lot of changes to the outfit but I made sure to keep the base of the character the same. The long grey hair, purple eyes, and freckles. I put her hair in a ponytail to go along with the sporty look. The reference picture is adorable. Looks like a fan girl wanting her baseball signed. Then my version looks like she got into a fight and won then asked her opponent to sign as a trophy for herself.

I dumb down the question: "Do you want to sign my baseball bat, mate?" This doesn't sound right. I repeated it out loud as I drew this but it just sounds off to me. I might be hearing things. So I went with "Ya wanna sign my bat, mate?"  It sounds more causal and I know that she isn't talking about an animal bat because she has the baseball bat in her hands.  I'm not being mean I'm just wanting to point this out.

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