Contest #67: Four Armed Chimp Hog

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For PixieStix101 I couldn't think of a name so I took a lesson from Avatar The Last Airbender and just smashed the species names together. Examples of them doing this is Turtle Duck, Sabertooth Moose, and most famously Korra's Polar Bear Dog. I pretended I was doing a research paper on this creature in the next paragraph.

The Four Armed Chimp Hog is a chimera of sorts comprised of warthog, chimpanzee, and rabbit characteristics. This animal can get up to 3 to 5 feet tall and is strictly a herbivore. These animals are pack animals and will help keep each other clean. Their four arms and prehensile feet give them the ability to climb trees which are abundant in their habit. The males grow tusk in which are used to get a mate since a female prefers her partner to have the biggest tusks and brightest coat. The coats of this creatures are as soft and beautiful which causes them to be hunted down. There are more females in the wild since females have darker coats making them blend in.

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