Chapter 8 ~ Police Station Fun

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Fangs POV:
"Great... Just great ... My mum is actually going to positively kill me" I sighed, shaking "I promised her that I wouldn't get into trouble on this trip, that's the only reason she let me come." I panicked, breathing heavier and quicker.
"Fangs, look at me..." Kev said, scooching closer to try and comfort me "What just happened at the mall, was absolutely not your fault, do you hear me, Fangsy? Just tell your mum exactly what happened and I'm sure she'll understand... OK?" I nodded and Kev smiled his warm, loving smile. "If I can get hold of my dad we should be OK... Hopefully. He's the sheriff." he said to me and Archie. We nodded and smiled just as the police van doors opened and there were 3 police officers standing, ready to take us into the police station. The 3 of us jumped out to see Veronica, Toni and Sweet Pea already walking into the station.
After we were all placed in 1 big holding cell and had our hand cuffs removed, we group hugged and asked the police officer on duty for our 1 phone call each. He agreed and called another police officer to take one of us at a time to call someone. Kev went first.
Kevin's POV:
I breathed heavily and sighed. This would be fine. Will my dad be angry that I got into a fight? Yeah, more than likely. But will he understand that I did it to protect someone important to me? Oh yeah, definitely. And will he be proud that I stuck up for someone and didn't back down? 100%... I'm sure of it.
On the phone: 3rd POV:
Kev-- Hey, dad... It's me, Kevin.
Sheriff Keller--Hey, son. Are you OK? How's the holiday going
Kev--Ummm... Not great, right now, really. Me, fangs, Archie, Veronica, Sweet Pea and Toni are all in the police station and Cheryl and Maxine are in hospital.
Sheriff Keller--What? Why?
Kev--A fight... At the mall.
Sheriff Keller--What? How? Why?
Kev--So basically, what happened is that this group of guys were winking at Toni. Then they started walking towards us and you could see Toni getting really anxious, she was walking quicker, wrapping herself in her arms, as if to cover herself; and she was bending over slightly. Then the guys came over and one of them started flirting with her like she was an object for him to buy. The rest of us then stepped into try and stop them and we'll... Then it sort of got kinda physical and then Cheryl and Maxine got knocked out. Now, here we are. Do you think you could maybe help us out?
Sheriff Keller--Of course I can, son. What about everyone else's parents?
Kev --Ummm... Sweet Pea's mum and Toni's dad will probably be with Max and Cheryl. Veronica's parents are out of town. Fangs' mum should be able to come and so should Archie's dad.
Sheriff Keller--OK, what about Betty and Jughead? Do they know what's going on?
Kev --Not yet, Sweet Pea is gonna call them and let them know on his phone call and get them to tell their mum and dad incase they haven't heard yet. My phone call time is up. I love you.
Sheriff Keller--OK. I love you too.
End of call.
Kev's POV:
I knew he'd understand. I walked back to the cell and Sweet Pea asked to take his call next. As he walked off, I laid down on the 1 bed we had and sighed, tears falling down my face. Why had this happened to us? We're good people... Right?
Sweets POV:
I walked to the phone and dialed the shadow lake lodge number.
On the phone: 3rd POV:
Sweets--Hey, B. I just needed to let you and Jug know what had happened. We're all OK, sorta. I just need you to tell Mum and Dad what I'm about to tell you. I don't have long, so listen carefully.
Sweet Pea--Basically, what happened was that this group of guys were hitting on TT. Then they started walking towards us and you could see TT getting really uncomfortable, she was walking alot quicker, wrapping herself in her arms, as if to cover herself; and she was hunched over slightly. Then the guys came over and one of them started flirting with her like she was something for him to claim, I guess. The rest of us then stepped in and it got kinda physical and then C and Max sorta got knocked out. Now here we are, at the police station.
Betty--OK... When are you gonna be released?
Sweet Pea--I'm not sure, Kev spoke to his dad, whose also the sheriff as I'm pretty sure you know, so soon... Hopefully. Can you make sure mum and dad know that we're all OK and make sure they've heard about C and Max... I have to go now. I love you, sis. Tell Jug TT is OK and that she loves him, also tell him that Max will be fine, she's tough. Also before I forget, C will be OK. She tough as well. Please don't stress. Tell mum and dad not to stress and to just be there for C and Max when they wake up and that they will wake up, I promise. I love you, B.
Betty--Bye, bro. I love you loads. Be careful. Give everyone mine and Jug's love. Tell them we hope they're OK. Tell TT that Jug loves her loads and he's so so proud of her.
Sweet Pea--I will. Bye. Love you.
End of call.
Sweet's POV:
I walked back to the cell, holding back my tears. This is where I need my lil sis to come and give me a hug. After Archie went to call his dad and I no longer had hands cuffs on, Veronica came and sat me down. She then wrapped me up in a tight hug and rocked me side to side as I cried into her shoulder.
After I had calmed down, I sat up and I went for it... I kissed her! And guess what? She kissed me back!! After making out for about 2 minutes, we heard a cough and looked up to see everyone staring at us. I glared at them all while V blushed, looking down at her feet.
"Umm... So, Archie just came back and Fangs has left to call his mum. Archie's dad and my dad are both on the way." Kev said to us as we nodded, not meeting anyone's eye. Just then, Fangs came back and said "My mum's on the way. She took it surprisingly well. Especially for my mum."
"See, Fangsy... I told you everything would be fine and that she'd understand." Kev said, hugging Fangs.
"Shut up, Adonis." Fangs said as Kev blushed because of the nickname.
1 hour later:
Kev's dad, Archie's dad and Fangs' Mum rushed in and demanded to see the Sheriff and showed them Kev's dad's Badge to speed it up. After about half an hour, they had bailed us out and had taken us to one of the interrogation rooms.
"What were you thinking!? Getting into a fight and getting arrested!" Fangs' Mum (Tanya) shouted as the door shut.
"Mum, seriously. We did it to protect Toni. Can't you understand that!?" Fangs yelled.
"Of course we get that! But getting arrested for it is another matter!" Fred - Archie's dad - said as calmly as he could (RIP Luke Perry)
"Dad please, it's late can we do this at home?" Archie begged.
"Yeah, Mr Andrews, Mr Keller and Mrs Fogarty. I really need go and check on my sister. I'm begging you. Please." I said, shaking as V came over, grabbed my hand and squeezed it for reassurance. All the parents sighed.
"Fine, but when you come back home from this trip in 2 days time. All of you and your parents are meeting us at La Bonne Nui. Clear?" Sheriff Keller said and we all nodded.
Finally, we got in a 6 seated taxi and went back to the Shadow Lake Lodge. I opened the door and I was bombarded by a huge hug from B. She put her head in the crook of my neck and wrapped her legs around my waist.
"I missed you, Sweets. Are you OK?" I nodded "Do you have any news on C and Max?" I asked but got no reply. I then looked over to Jug to see TT in the same position as Betts. About 5 minutes later, she got off of me and sat next to me, leaning on my shoulder. V then came and sat on the other side of me and grabbed my hand reassuringly, while Jug sat on the other side of Betts, grabbed her hand and squeezed it softly so that she knew he was there for her. I was so confused, the last thing that I knew, they weren't talking properly and were really awkward whenever they were around one another. She then noticed me and V holding hands and sitting very close together.
"Wait are you two--? " she asked as I said "What happened while we were away exactly?" she sighed, knowing that whatever had actually happened while we were at the mall and in the police station would take alot of explaining.
I knew this would be a long conversation.
Little did I know this would be a conversation that would explain many unanswered questions.

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