Chapter 25 ~ There's Always Something Wrong

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Jughead's POV:
Laying in bed, next to Betts, I slowly woke up to the sound of the twins crying. I quickly got up and picked up Stefan, calming him down.
"Babe? Come back to bed... Please." Betty whined, I chuckled and replied.
"I can't, Baby. The twins are crying."
Betts groaned and sat up.
"Pass Bon here, I can calm her down. You can calm down Stef. Teamwork." she said with a tired grin. I laid Stef down and passed Bonnie to Betts, I then picked up Stefan again, cradling him close.
"Ummm. Babe, not to worry you but I think there might be something wrong with Bonnie. She's wheezing and when she breaths in I can see her ribs. Could you please go and get a doctor?" Betty said, concerned. I rushed over and looked at Bon. You could hear her breathing, like she says whistling, her face and nose where a light blue and every time she breathed in, she looked like skin and bone because you could see her ribs. I nodded at my fiancé and ran out of the hospital room, shouting for a Doctor. A few minutes later, I rushed back in with a doctor.
"OK, so what's the problem?" the doctor asked, looking at the notes.
"We don't know. We woke up and the twins were crying. I had hold of Bonnie and I noticed that her face and lips were blue, she was wheezing and you can see her ribs every time that she breathes in." Betty explained, in a panic. I walked over and put my arm around Betty, reassuringly while Stef was in the other. The doctor walked to us and looked Bon over. As he was doing this, he was nodding and muttering to himself.
" OK. I cannot know for sure, however, it does look as though she has symptoms of Asthma. Before I can say for sure, I need to take her for a checkup. This will take about 10 minutes, however only one of you can come." The doc explained. I sighed and looked at Betts.
" You go," she said" I'm in too much pain anyway. Just move Stefan's crib over here so that I can reach it." I kissed her forehead and said "You sure?" she nodded. "OK then. You hold Stefan while I get the crib." I said, handing Stefan over to B. I then walked over to the crib and bright it over, next to Betty. Afterwards I kissed Betts goodbye, took Bonnie and followed the doctor out of the door and down the corridor. A few moments later, we got to an old wooden  door, with a brass doorknob, on the left and we walked in.
"Please. Sit." I carefully sat, Bon tight in my arms.
"Where your little girl is not even a day old, there is very little things that I can do to give a diagnosis. I will take some blood and do a blood test. If that doesn't comes back in the next few hours and says that she has asthma then I will give her some medication to see if that works, if it does work then I will prescribe. If the test does come back, I will prescribe the medication that should work best." the doc explained as I nodded. "Any questions." I thought for a moment then shook my head. "No, that sounds good." The doctor smiled at me and then walked round the desk and described what was going to happen "I will take a sample of your daughter's blood and send it off for testing. Then when the results come back, I will let you know." Suddenly, the realisation that I was a father hit me like a tonne of bricks. I grinned as I stood up and thanked him, while I walked out the door and back down the hallway, towards our hospital room. When I waked in, I was ambushed by questions of worry from Betty. I calmed her down and then told her everything. About an hour later, it was visiting hours. In came everyone, who were once again profusely asking how Betty and the twins were. I sighed, here we go again. I looked at Betty to find her looking very overwhelmed. I quickly quietened everyone down and explained the situation with Bon to them. Gasping, they all hoped for the best. While we all waited for the results, everyone took turns holding Stefan. Betty refused to loosen her grip on Bonnie, let alone allow anyone to hold her, for fear that she would loose her forever. I walked over and sat with Betts, holding her close.

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