Chapter 13 ~ The Warrior Princess

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Cheryl's POV:
Slowly, my eyes fluttered open. I felt weird... I didn't know where I was. All around me, I only saw white - white ceilings, white walls, just white everything! I tried to stand up but I soon realised that I couldn't feel my legs! What was happening? "Help!" I screamed, but nothing came out of my mouth - I had a... A tube in my mouth. As I began to fully wake up, I realised that I was in hospital and that I was on life support... That's strange, I couldn't have been out that long... Could I? A nurse came rushing in and started to dewire me. Once she was finished dewiring me, my throat felt very dry and extremely sore. I put my hands around my neck, hoping to stop it from throbbing - unfortunately, it didn't work.
"What happened?" I asked the nurse in a croaky voice.
"You were in a fight at the Shadow Lake Mall and you were knocked unconscious. You received a large amount of brain damage due to how hard you hit your head on the ground. Unfortunately, at this moment in time, we haven't been able to take all the tests we needed to, so we do not have all the answers. " she explained slowly.
" OK... Why was. I on life. support?" I asked, confused.
" You were unconscious for 5 days
2 of those you were in Shadow Lake General Hospital. You are now in Riverdale General Hospital. " The nurse said with a smile as she grabbed a clipboard from the bottom of my bed.
" So, just precautionary questions. What is your name? "
" Cheryl. Marjorie. Blossom. "
" Perfect. And how old are you? "
" I am. 19 years. old. "
" Amazing. When is your birthday?"
"My birthday. is on the. 18th of August."
I know this is Madelaine Petsch's birthday, Cheryl's birthday is unknown as it wasn't mentioned in the show.
"Brilliant. Final question. Do you have any concerns about anything right now?"
"Yes actually. I have. no feeling in. my legs. Just before. you came in. I tried standing. up but I. couldn't feel. my legs. Is that. A side. Effect or. Is it. Because of. My brain. Injury. Or is. It something. Else? "
"OK... Well at this precise moment in time, we do not know for sure however, we did manage to take one test. This test showed us that the part of your brain that you damaged was the part that helps you to walk, so there is an 85% chance you'll never walk again." She explained, writing everything I was saying down. "So, yes, this could be part of your brain damage along with your difficulty speaking. Let's get you down for a CT scan as soon as possible. OK?" she continued.  I nodded, slowly. This was all so confusing. About half an hour later, Aunty Alice, Jughead, Max and Betty all rushed in. Thankfully, I was starting to feel less confused as each minute passed. All 4 of them rambled on at the same time, so I was unable to understand a single word they said. I sighed and put my hand up high in the air, so they knew I wanted them to stop, as it still hurt to talk. Instantly, they all stopped talking and went deadly silent. This was going to be very fun.
"One at. A time." I croaked.
Aunty Alice went first "Are you OK, sweetie? We were so worried about you. We all came everyday, just in case you woke up. Everyone else is sat in the waiting room, just like everyday. " I nodded slowly to show them I was doing OK and that I understood. Everyone came over and hugged me tight, but not too tight as they were scared that they would hurt me even more than I already was. For the next 4 hours, Aunty Alice, Betty, Max and Jughead all sat on chairs, Betty on Jughead's lap and Max leaning on him. Whenever I moved the 4 off them jumped up and rushed over to make sure I was OK, it was getting quite annoying really. After they left, I had about 2 minutes before Mr Jones, Veronica, Archie and Sweets came in and rushed over to make sure I was OK, just like Aunty Alice, Betty, Max and Jughead did. The next
4 hours were just annoying as the 4 hours beforehand. Once again, I had about 2 minutes when they left before Fangs, Kevin and Aunty Alice (again) came in and began profusely asking if I was OK and if I needed anything. For the next 4 hours, everytime I moved, they all jumped up and began rushing round the room asking if I needed anything or if I needed a nurse. This was the worst 4 hours yet! Finally, they left. I was a bit upset really, there were still 4 hours until visiting time ended and TT hadn't bothered to come see me. I held back my tears when the door opened - I didn't want anyone to see me cry especially a doctor or nurse. When I saw who had come in, I burst into tears of happiness. TT come in on her own!
"Hey, Cherry." She said using the nickname she had given me when we were younger. I chuckled.
"I know that you might be confused by what I'm about to tell you. But I really need to let you know." I nodded.
"So, I... I like you Cheryl, like really really like you." TT explained. My face lit up and I waved her over. Nervously, she walked over and I wrapped her up in a hug to show her that I felt the same way. She smiled at me and sat down at the end of my hospital bed. I layed back down as she began to sing the song we used to listen to together (night changes).
Going out tonight
Changes into something red
Her mother doesn't like that kind of dress
Everything she never had she's showing off
Driving too fast
Moon is breaking through her hair
She said it was something that she won't forget
Having no regrets is all that she really wants
We're only getting older, baby
And I've been thinking about it lately
Does it ever drive you crazy
Just how fast the night changes?
Everything that you've ever dreamed of
Disappearing when you wake up
But there's nothing to be afraid of
Even when the night changes
It will never change me and you
Chasing it tonight
Doubts are running 'round her head
He's waiting, hides behind a cigarette
Heart is beating loud and she doesn't want it to stop
Moving too fast
Moon is lighting up her skin
She's falling, doesn't even know it yet
Having no regrets is all that she really wants
We're only getting older, baby
And I've been thinking about it lately
Does it ever drive you crazy
Just how fast the night changes?
Everything that you've ever dreamed of
Disappearing when you wake up
But there's nothing to be afraid of
Even when the night changes
It will never change me and you
Going out tonight
Changes into something red
Her mother doesn't like that kind of dress
Reminds her of the missing piece of innocence she lost
We're only getting older, baby
And I've been thinking about it lately
Does it ever drive you crazy
Just how fast the night changes?
Everything that you've ever dreamed of
Disappearing when you wake up
But there's nothing to be afraid of
Even when the night changes
It will never change, baby
It will never change, baby
It will never change me and you
Slowly, I began falling asleep, listening to TT's calming voice and thinking about what would come of our relationship.

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