Setting up camp

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"From then on, we were good friends, him and his mates made the house, and I see him every day, he even does my daily duties with me sometimes, completely for free!" Manuel smirked, thinking about their history. Oscar trod along with him, the night finally reaching a point of exhaustion. "alright, here's good." Oscar looked around. He squinted and peered.
"This looks exactly the same as before." he got a smack on the head, before they went over to one of the 'unoccupied' houses. "ow..." he rubbed his head, but Manuel ignored him, knocking on the door to see if it actually was 'unoccupied'. No answer.
"Alright, take down the sign." Manuel pointed behind him at the sign, and Oscar obliged, picking it out the ground and bringing it through the door.

The walls had a lining of thin wallpaper across every wall. The whole thing was a bungalow of sorts, one floor, and only three rooms in total, a bedroom, bathroom, and an all-around living room with kitchen in the side. Oscar shivered, pulling out his sleeves to grasp in his hands. "Jeez it is cold in here!" he shivered, and Manuel just rolled his eyes again, walking over to the kitchen and grabbing one of his pre-made meals to heat. He tried turning gas hob on, but all he got was a sputtering cough. "Don't suppose the heating'll work?" Manuel just turned and looked at Oscar, and he nodded, rushing to the bedroom and grabbing one of the blankets to hold. Manuel tossed one of the meals onto the table, and tore his open to chew for now. Once Oscar came back, he threw a towel from the bathroom over Manuel.
"Where's the blan-" he stared at Oscar, who had become a huge pile of quilts and duvets, leaving Manuel with just a thin half-chewed towel. "Alright, hand one over." Oscar shivered again. "You are not still cold!" he grabbed one of the blankets off the top of Oscars head, wrapping himself and continuing with his food. It couldn't be seen, but Manuel guessed Oscar pouted, pushing out an arm from the tower of blankets and grabbed his 'meal', a potato with a cold cooked egg inside.
"Are you serious right now?" Manuel looked up, mouth dribbling with cold yolk.
"hm?" he leant his head down and grabbed another bite. Oscar tutted, finally having a bite himself.
"Mm... you know what, this is actually pretty good!" Manuel simply gave a thumb's up, midway through chewing a solid piece of egg white and half a potato that had crumbled into his hand in a panic. Oscar shrugged, digging in.
Once the food had been eaten, Manuel reached into his travel pack, grabbing out 2 small foldable cushions and few sheets of cloth stitched together and soaked in a sterile solution. "uhh..." Oscar looked at him, bewildered.
"What's with the, uh, cloth?"
"I'm not just going to sleep on this floor, who knows what's touched it!" Oscar placed a finger on the ground, turning his whole finger grey with dust.
"I don't think anything's touched this ground in about a year."
"Alright, I don't like germs and dust and stuff, okay?" he flopped onto his cushion in a huff, throwing his extra at Oscar's face, which was in a purposefully annoying smile.
"You don't like germs?" He chuckled a little, "But you're a doctor! How does that even work?"
"I do what I have to in the moment, that doesn't stop it from being horribly disgusting when it does." he mumbled out from under the cushion.
"Okay, but still, doesn't it make you feel awful?"
"I do, pretty much all the time. But I just ignore it if I need to," he stared for a moment, before shaking his head, "now stop bothering me and go to sleep, I don't want to have to sleep in another random house tomorrow night because we were too slow." He rolled over. Oscar sighed, burrowing his head into the pile of blankets and nodding off to sleep. 

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