The search for Joseph Part 3

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"Alright, this should be about 200 metres away from the tower. we've got 50 metres of distance potentially outwards away from the wall from here. However, it could be closer or further, I don't know-" Manuel jumped as Oscar suddenly gave him a flick on the cheek.
"Would you stop babbling to yourself and actually help me?!" Manuel stood taken aback, before shaking his head.
"Yeah, yeah sure." As they began a slow walk around the wall, Manuel kept an accurate count of how many steps round they'd taken, trying to make sure he was keeping his distances correct, even though it was driving Oscar towards killing him outright here, 'No one would know' he kept muttering, as he kept sifting his feet through the volcanic dust. "I don't see anything!" he shouted, as the wind began to pick up a little more. Manuel tapped his shoulder.
"We've gone past the threshold! He wouldn't be here, the signal would've never made it this far!" Oscar turned around, pushing Manuel's shoulders back.
"Screw your measurements! He could've crawled god knows where in the time between that message and now!"
"Hey, I'm only trying to help-"
"Yeah? Well you aren't helping!" the wind began to blow past them, bringing Manuel's cloth mask close to flying off.
"Oh really? I'm no help!?"
"Yeah, you're useless, all these measurements and you haven't even bothered to properly use your goddamn eyes!"
"If it weren't for me, you would be DEAD! YOU HEAR ME?!" He got right up close to Oscar's face, staring him dead in the eyes through the goggles. "DEAD!" His lungs had begun to burn, as he realised his mask had flown off a few seconds ago.
"WELL MAYBE YOU SHOULD'VE LEFT ME THAT WAY, THEN I WOULDN'T BE STUCK OUT HERE IN THE DUST, ALONE WITH YOU!" He kicked some dust over at Manuel, and instead his leg got caught, falling into the piles of dust. "what the hell?" he muttered. The ground began to give way, as Manuel also fell. The dust began to scatter down to their feet, and out of the ground, a figure emerged, coated in a thin layer of grey and black. He stretched out his arms, scratching his head, massively confused.
"Hey, can you guys help me? I don't know how I got here." 

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