Don's return

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Hairs stood on end like an electric bolt had shot through his spine, spinning to face Don. He had hair all over the place, strands facing any which way, eyes bloodshot as if he hadn't slept at all. "Where is he?" Don pressured.
"Ah, he left early for something, why?" He bluffed.
"I needed to give him something, could you tell him to come see me soon?"
"Why don't you just give it to me? I'll happily hand it over."
"What an excellent idea." Don reached into his vest, grabbing a rusted pistol from his pocket and pointing it directly into his abdomen. "I suggest you take me to him, or else you may not be back to say 'Mar sin leat'." Manuel gulped, nodding slowly. Don gestured forward, and Manuel obliged, taking him back into the room. Don tutted quickly, stating his disapproval. "Lying, Mr Vernan? that doesn't seem very like you."
"How do you know my name?"
"Oh I know everything about everyone, Mr Vernan. Your lives, your ideologies, your phobias, everything." He leant in close, whispering. "Even your darkest secrets." Manuel flinched. "OI!" Don yelled, waking Oscar into a panicked frenzy. "Alright, no sudden movements you, or your doctor friend here'll take a real hit."
"Don't listen to him, Oscar, this pansy couldn't hit me even if he tried pulling the trigger! Gun's a fake." Manuel smiled, before letting out a pained gasp, eyes going wide, as a small patch of blood began to pool on his right side below the lungs.
"One thing you need to learn, Mr Vernan, is I never bluff."
"MANNY!" the scream filled the room. 

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