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"Um, what is going on right now?" It was less of a grab than Oscar had thought, and more of a hug, the large man's body like an enveloping warmth. He had to admit, it did feel quite nice, but it had gone on awkwardly long by that point. "Hello? Could you put me down please?"
The man's features were more than welcoming. Apart from his cleft chin and rosy pink cheeks, his height wasn't intimidating, more protecting. It was like Santa Claus without the costume or the beard. his little handlebar moustache would wiggle on his lip as he talked, almost like a living creature itself. The eyes would first look at the stature of this round man, and then to the eyes, a deep blue calming colour. However, they would always be drawn to the nose at some point, bulbous and reddish, almost like a clown stuck his fake nose on it. What was even more incredible, his voice matched almost perfectly.
"Ah, sorry about that my boy!" his Scottish accent was almost the most welcoming part. He jokingly patted Oscar's shoulder, looking at Manuel with a big smile. "I do always get a bit carried away." he had a small chuckle, before sighing.
"Yeah, with attempting to lock us in a room." Manuel was having none of it.
"Oh, right, about that." He scratched the back of his head, and nodded at him. "I didn't know who ye were, so I got a little paranoid, I'll admit, but ye can't blame me for bein' cautious!" he chuckled again, and Manuel squinted at him, before Oscar waved him away.
"Sorry, do I know you? You look awfully familiar."
"Well of course you know me Oscar! We worked together for a year, didn't we?" Oscars eyes widened again, and he turned a pink similar to the mans.
"Sorry, I lost my memory, I don't remember practically anything, only the basics like my name and where I work, which is here." The man's smile twinged for only a moment, before he continued.
"Ah well, always a good chance to introduce myself!" he winked at Oscar.
"Yes, please enlighten us." Manuel stood staring at him, and Oscar gave him a face of 'What the hell, man?'
The man stood tall and proud, exclaiming 'My name! Is Don!" the whole area shook, his voice fit for a leader. Manuel clapped slowly, still staring at him, and Oscar threw him another dirty look.
"Yes, well good to meet you, 'Don', but we have business to attend to. Oscar?" he ushered to the door, and Oscar sighed, following behind.
"What're you in such a hurry for then, mate?" Manuel stood in his tracks, looking back.
"We're looking for a friend of his," he gestured to Oscar, "Someone named... what'd you say his name was?" Oscar sighed.
"It's Joseph, Joseph Bradver." Don's eyes widened.
"Oh, Joseph? I heard he went missing after he went out for one of the expeditions! He could be anywhere by now." Manuel stopped him, taking a deep breath.
"We think he could be in some real danger, so if you can help in any way, that would be..." He gritted his teeth, "Helpful." Don smiled.
"Actually, I can help with that!" He held a finger up, and walked away to a back room for a second. When he got back, he had about 300 folders, each a different file on a different explorer. "Here, I never sort through them, but these could be helpful." Manuel grabbed them, and began throwing the ones he didn't need on the floor, to Oscar's dismay. He grabbed one, stashing it in a bag, and then another further down, giving the last 30 back to Don, who was in complete shock.
"Yeah, thanks." Manuel grabbed Oscar by the shirt collar, leaving the building. 

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