The return

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As they began slowly packing anything away, and the wind picked up drastically once again, Oscar continued to pull on the microphone, and felt the wire begin to fall, at an increasing rate. Looking up, he saw a small dish and input device falling rather fast directly over him, only barely dodging it, getting a small scratch on his arm. "You alright?" Manuel leant over to him, as he winced.
"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. this thing just almost killed me though..." He held his arm, which was now bleeding minutely. Manuel held him by the arm, leading him back to the gate, carrying the device in his arms. Coming closer to the gate, he took further inspection into the device, only to find L.A.N.C.E's logo plastered all over it, the mic, the wire, the dish, the device itself, everywhere. Manuel's eyes lit up with licks of flame, as he ceremoniously threw the entire device straight against the wall, smashing the dish off. "What the hell are you doing?!" Oscar butted in.
"Stupid L.A.N.C.E, who are they!!!"
"Dude, let's get inside, then we'll start to talk about this company, or whatever it is."
"Yeah, maybe it just produces the stuff, man!" Joseph leant back, smirking, before spluttering, after getting dust in his mouth.

Walking back through the gate, They brushed themselves off, as the guards eyes faced Manuel, then glanced towards Oscar, and finally ended up at Joseph, settling on his face. Manuel held up Oscar's file, the guard nodded, and they continued on their way. Oscar's eyes fell upon the file, and his body felt hot out of nowhere. "Manuel, I need to ask you something." He turned, holding a hand around his ear. "I get why you have Joseph's file, but why do you have mine?" He nodded, and fell back, letting Joseph take the lead.
"I knew they wouldn't just let us pass, that they must have some sort of thing that differs regular people from you explorers, so when I grabbed Joseph's file and I saw a code, I knew I had to grab yours too." Oscar stayed silent for a while, before nodding and adding only a small 'Huh.'  

After reaching the explorers' quarters, despite Joseph's want to go with them for no real reason, he stayed, and Oscar and Manuel went back to the inn for some well deserved rest, to return and chat tomorrow. Even though it was only late afternoon, and the sun hadn't set, they were feeling mentally exhausted. 

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