The Broadcasters

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It was a brisk quiet walk, as it was early enough, people had no need to leave yet. The building was quite simple looking, a basic brick one-roomed broadcasting room, with wires connecting to the long tower above, and it was clear the building was owned by the explorers, or by whoever owned them, as it'd been branded with a crosshair surrounded by 4 dots, the same symbol on the main quarter's front. The door, however, was much less fancy, and walking in, so was the room itself. There was recording equipment strewn about, open wires layered in corners, it was a fire waiting to happen. "Well, so much for health and safety anymore, guess we are savages." Manuel whispered, to a small giggle from Oscar.
"Yeah, tell me about it." A man flew out from the corner on a wheelie chair wearing headphones, making Oscar jump like his whole skeleton had been shaken. "Oh sorry, not used to people coming in here." The man continued to wheel himself over to the recording desk, pressing a few buttons labelled *SLUMS* in large red letters, making Manuel scoff. a long pause of white noise was heard, before a click.
*Attention. Disregard all previous statements from the past week, they are of no importance. Thank you* Oscar shivered, as the white noise came back, before cutting abruptly. "So, what's up, got a message?" Manuel just looked at him with a general disgust. It was so chilling of a stare, Oscar had to jump in.
"We have a question about your broadcasting." The man nodded, gesturing for the question. "First, is it wireless?" The man thought, and waved his hand in the middle.
"Yes and no. The intercoms are connected via wires, but you could technically connect to the tower wirelessly, but only from so far, and it depends on the wireless connector." He scratched his head for a second, before adding, "To be perfectly honest, I don't think there are any wireless connectors anyway, so I'm gonna say no anyway, it is not wireless." Manuel again scoffed, turning away and eyeing up all the equipment, which had been marked with the same symbol.
"Alright, but if there was a regular wireless connector, how far would you say the reach would be?" The man closed one eye, giving off a quizzical stare.
"What's it to you?" Oscar gulped, before the man laughed, "I'm just messing with ya. I'd say around 250 metres, give or take a few." Manuel looked up from the wires on the floor, and suddenly grabbed his notepad, quickly sketching out the building and the wall, slamming it on the desk. "Jesus, easy with the desk, it's already unstable enough without you hammering on it!"
"Whatever, how far away is this building from the wall, mate?" The man leaned back in his chair.
"Okay, now I'm interested, what do you need that for?" Manuel grumbled.
"Ugh, whatever, we don't need this, come on Oscar." The man finally got up.
"Woah woah woah! You just hold on, this is the most conversation I've had in weeks!" he scratched his head, looking at the notepad. "Well, the wall just north of here is definitely in range, and to the east it might be just barely, but I don't know what you're looking for!" Manuel ignored him.
"If it's close enough, he could be out there! We need to leave, asap!" Oscar nodded, heading for the door, but Manuel stayed a few moments longer. "Final question, who owns the symbol?" he pointed it out, and the man gulped a heavy breath.
"Uhh, I can't tell you that... under contract-" Manuel just waved his hand up, leaving in a huff.
"God, the nerve of him, 'under contract' my left foot!" he kicked a rock, before breathing a small sigh to calm his thoughts, and grabbing Oscar by the arm to lead him north to the nearest entrance. "Look, if we follow this path there should be an outpost just down this way. If we cut through there, we should be outside the wall. Count your footsteps, okay?" Oscar nodded, as they strutted toward the gate. 

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