The explorers' quarters

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Oscar whistled, following behind Manuel, when he bumped straight into him. "Hey, why'd we stop-" as he turned to look forward, he saw a huge building towering over them, a dark blotch in the night sky. It was the tallest building around by a long way, at least double the height of any house around, probably 10 or 15 metres, with a massive symbol etched into the front with a knife of some kind and highlighted with lights, a crosshair with 4 dots surrounding it. It would have taken other towns years to make a building like this, but this almost seemed brand new, or at least renovated. As they came closer, they couldn't see a door looking in, it was as if there were only windows. As Manuel took a step forward, the windows ahead suddenly slid open, and he reactively jumped. After he calmed, he started chuckling, which turned slowly into a full-blown laugh, as he stared at the door, then at Oscar, who was seemingly less excited. Finally, he started shouting.
"Brilliant! Automatic-Bloody-doors!" Oscar held his hands out in a quieting 'shhhhhh', even more concerned, walking over and letting the doors slide open.
"Huh." He was completely unphased.
"Don't you see Oscar? Most houses don't even have ovens, and these people have the spare energy to make an automatic door!" He started cackling, letting the door open and close as he got closer and further from it.
"You look like a toddler."
"I know, isn't it brilliant?" It was finally Oscar's turn to roll his eyes, dragging Manuel by the shirt collar past the doors and into the building. On entrance, there was a sudden loud chime, and an overhead speaker above came alive, a soothing voice emanating from it, "Welcome to the explorers, do sign up." Oscar sighed, as he saw Manuel's eyes light up a second time.

After an unnecessary 10 minutes of Manuel walking through the door and hearing the voice about 100 times, Oscar had had enough, dragging him again through to the front desk. Surprisingly, there was no one there, just a sheet of paper saying 'NO LONGER EMPLOYING' in large scribbled letters. Oscar took a quick glance around, and his eyes widened at a locked door. He made sure Manuel wasn't looking, as he crept up to the code locked door, entering a password. There was a satisfying click, and he had a small celebration, before opening the door. The door must've never been oiled, because it made the most hideous screeching noise. "Everything alright there?" Manuel called after him.
"Ye-yeah, I'm fine." He crept forward, turning on his light and peering around.
"What'd you find?" Manuel jumped out, scaring Oscar half to death, before holding his nose. "Jesus does this room stink of bleach! Whoever cleaned in here got a little carried away-"
"Don't do that!" he spun back around, waving the torch up then down, surveying the room. He walked through, beckoning Manuel in.
Inside were over 20 bunk beds, each with a small cabinet, a lamp, and a wall to put pictures onto. There were names everywhere, but he skipped past them, straight to the middle bunk bed in the room on the back wall. There was a plate with two names on it, 'Patrick Varian' and 'Oscar Fullingham'. Oscar gave a small but quick inhalation, looking at the wall. On it were tens of pictures of Oscar and a group of other people smiling, or drinking, or all-around having fun. Manuel could hear a choked gasp from him, as he grabbed his mouth. "Hey you ok?" Oscar quickly rubbed his face, giving it a slap, and turned around to meet Manuel eye-to-eye.
"Yeah, yeah I'm okay. Let's get out of here." Manuel nodded, turning to leave. As they reached the door, however, the violent creaking was heard once again, and the door began to close. "Hey, hey, HEY!" Oscar ran to the door to stop it with his foot, but Manuel caught him just as it closed. "The hell are you doing, we're locked in here now!" Manuel grabbed him by the shoulders.
"You put your foot in that door, it crushes your foot and closes anyway. Do you even Hear how heavy that door is?!" Oscar stopped and sighed, giving Manuel a little punch in the shoulder.
"Cheers." He breathed slowly, and held his mouth in disgust. "God you're right it does stink of bleach." He leant down to the code lock, re-entering the code he put in before, and the door clicked, opening once again. Oscar could visibly see Manuel vibrating from the excitement of the door, and Oscar had to hold his hand up to Manuel's mouth to more or less tell him to 'shut up', leaving the room. Oscar stood up, taking a look around, and saw no one. "Okay, coast is clear." Immediately, Manuel exploded.
"CODE LOCKS?!" The whole building shook. "you cannot be serious right now, this place has code locked doors?!" Oscar sighed, looking behind Manuel, his breath being caught, looking over Manel's head. "I mean, now this place is like a military institution, not just some capital city Base of operations that someone just chucked together!" Oscar was shivering, turning a sickly pale cream white colour. "And als- what, what is it?" He turned around, to see a tall burly man staring down at them, an odd smile on his face. He walked over, looking at Oscar, and grabbed him. 

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