7 » Me and only me

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She was laying on her sofa , crying over the movie .

" poor him.."
She sniffed , wiping her tears off her cheek .

She was for some reason sobbing over it .
Feeling sorry for the human looking alien as he rolled on the asphalt , hit him self with a whip , went to churches , mosques , and even temples .
Praying to every god to get his remote back , so he could get back to his planet .

The several religions drowning him in confusion , some made their own god , some rolled their way to him , some gave him wine , while others gave him milk .
Some slaughtering animals , some worship them .

She for some reason found it sad , the way he explained religion like it's some kind of companies with rivalry .

Her phone ringed , interrupting her sulking over the movie .

She roamed her hand around , not bothering to take her eyes off the screen .

" Hello ? Oh hey sejeong . It's just this movie that I'm watching . Nah I'm too lazy , how about you come and bring jiyeon with you . No I didn't , you call her bitch . Amma go back to my movie , you already know what to bring with you . Yeah yeah , bye ."
She threw her phone away again , immediately regretting it as she would have to get up and get it if someone called .
Or she could just ignore it .

* * *

" took you long enough ! Sit your asses down . I'm gonna prepare the snacks for the night "
She said groaning as she got up , in a not-very-attractive way .

She dragged her feet to her small kitchen , that she never cooked in .
She uses it to store food , and that's it .

She pulled a tray , and yeeted it on the counter as she went to grab some bowls and treat them the same way .
She called it ' being equal ' .

She poured the chips into on of the bowls , filling the other with popcorn , and the other with Tortilla chips and getting the dips out the fridge , pouring them in smaller bowls .

She checked what the girls bought , smiling in content at the sweets in a childish way .

She got them in another tray and carried the tray with the chips and dips to the living room , putting them on the coffee table and then getting back to bring the other one .

" No , there's no need . How sweet of you to offer your help !"
She spat out , words dripping with sarcasm as she rolled her eyes at her relatively lazy ass friends .

" oh , come on susan let me help you "
She turned around to glare at jiyeon , who didn't even make an effort to look her way as she sassed back .

She went back to the kitchen , getting the drinks and then heading back to the living room for the third time already .

She plopped down on the sofa , starting to feel bored .

" Hey girls , how about we have girl talk ? It's been a while .."
She looked over to jiyeon , grinning this time as she heard her suggestion .
Already excited , she nodded her head rapidly in agreement .

* * *

" Hey guys , do you remember dream ? The big group of friends that the girls used to drool over ."
She asked , staring at the ceiling above her .

She heard them hmm as she massaged the mask on her face .

" those hooties ? Yeah , you also used to drool over them ."
She shot jiyeon who's eyes were closed a glare .

" I did not ' drool ' over them , I just found their friendship amazing . I mean , have you seen how big their smiles were ? They radiated happiness ! "
She exclaimed , smiling as she remembered the boys , the little boy lingering in her mind for longer .

Jiyeon turned to her friend , seeing the way she goofly smiled at the ceiling .

" Yeah totally not drooling ."
She mumbled rolling her eyes .

" whatever . fuck you , you cold hearted bitch .."
She got up , kicking sejeong in the process as they all layed on the bed , sejeong being the one in the middle .


he went to the bathroom , washing her face and drying it with a towel , smiling as she saw her reflection .

" Good choice sejeong , these are great ! I can already feel my skin breathing , buy for only 17283773 million dollars !"
She said , turning it into a commercial as she got out to show her friends .

They giggled at her flipping her hair , shooting them a ' seductive ' look .

They also got up to wash their faces .
She picked up her phone , scrolling through her music .

She smiled when she found the one she was looking for and turned it on , drawing her friends out of the bathroom as she jumped around to the song .

" Tik tok , on the clock . But the party don't stop no . Woah woah woah !"
She sang along , throwing her head around , pausing at then moving her lips in exaggeration as the 'woah woah ' part came on.

It was the whitest song , yeah .

It wasn't korean , yeah .

It sounds like a barbie song , definitely .

But it was such a joy !

They were screaming and jumping around , turning her room into a karaoke as they changed from song to song .
Mood to mood , and outfit to outfit .

The room was a mess , but they had fun .

.  .  .

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