8 » people are so different .

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The bright light of sun barged into her room , stirring the three girls in their sleep as one of them shook awake , eventually realizing the weird positions they were in .

She stared for a second , questioning the comfort of their sleep
Who even sleeps like that ?!
They seemed extremely comfortable while the girl observing felt the discomfort of the their bodies herself . Snoring as sejeong kicked jieun in the shin accidentally while the latter remained unfazed and lifeless before she actually got up .

Once done with the bathroom she walked out on a just awakening jieun , staring at sejeong's arched butt .
She found it creepy , cringing as she thought that she looked like that too , staring at the sleeping girls .

She shook the thought off , whooshing her head around as water flew out of her hair and over the poor girl's face , startling her back to reality .
" move up cow . go take a shower , you stink ."

Jieun frowned deeply , sporting an expression of offense and fake hurt " wow , THANKS for putting it that way . Very likeable .." words dripping down with sarcasm , she spat out .
Renae grinned at her , eyes closing up into little crescents as it remained while she talked .
" good , I'll use it every time then !"

She chuckled when she heard a discouraged and careless ' yeah yeah , you do that ' .
Turning around towards the door , she pulled it open before she stopped temporarily " what do you want for breakfast eun ? "

" we all know too well that u can't cook nothing other than ramen hoe " and that was what she got in response .
Nodding in agreement even tho she couldn't see her before she shrugged , heading out to the convenience store for their ' breakfast ' .

Once in the the store , she smiled brightly at the worker that wasn't even facing her , her smile turning into an o when she realized who it was " chenle ? "

" ooh abs girl ! Hi ! "
The loud chinese boy said with his high pitched voice .
His enthusiasm sparkling in his eyes and reflected in hers , infectious grin imprinting on her lips as well .
" hello chenle , good morning ! I didn't know you worked here ? "

The curious and mood flipped girl in front of him asked , her slumped shoulders raising up in happiness that was inflected by him " I always come here and I never saw you ? "

" yeah I just started working today , I got bored since jisung's busy sometimes so I got myself busy too ! " the boy shrieked out , talking on the peeping sound the
gun-like thing in his hand made as he swiped it over her groceries .
She chuckled at the over shared information she just got .
Adoring the boy as his smile never shook on his face .
" I could never , I wish I had your will zhong chenle ,"

The vibrating sound the boy made only got her smile to grow , eyes sparkling as she watched it .
" yeah well , you could say that it's the boredom that got me to do it . It's nice to meet new people you know .."
She nodded agreeing , paying for her stuff as she spoke .
" yeah , good luck with that then ! "

" have a nice day ! "

" you too chenle !"
And she was off to the streets with an unwavering smile that was drawn there by the boy's kind soul .


" you're early ? What a surprise ."
She said once she laid eyes on jieun who sat in her chair , nobody else in class but renae .
" yeah dad dropped me off early because he had work to do , what are YOU doing here this early ? "

" I always get here first .. "

" nerd ."

" oh fuck off susan ,"
The girls spat sarcastically back and forth , renae already knowing that her friend's presence meant no hang out for the day .
And she wasn't to risk the hang out getting known of .
Especially that it wasn't even her own .

" anyway , were we assigned any homework yesterday ? " the girl pleaded with her eyes , trying to send a message that she understood clearly .

" why are you asking me ? "
She smirked when she saw the sigh taking down the fake smile and puppy eyes down with it .
Patting jieun on the back as a conciliation of their granted failure in the subject .
The woman that was responsible of teaching them this subject was the meanest and most grumpy old hag , failing anyone who even looked her in the eye when she didn't give permission to .

" may my soul rest in peace ."
She heard her friend say, catching glimpse of her hand that touched her both shoulders and forehead .
She rose a questioning eyebrow her way

" since when were you Christian ? "
The other girl shrugged , her eyes closing in a mocking manner " if it was going to work, then praise the lord ,"
" you sound like he's going to kill you , you and I both know that he gives no shit hoe . You can get in the best university with only your change ."

The girl nodded in careless agreement , getting her book out to solve the homework instead of praying " yeah yeah , whatever you say miss im-poor-and-can't-afford-a-university-fees-but-my-rich-failing-friends-can ."

" jeez I'm sorry .."
She rolled her eyes at her dramatic friend , sighing at the million words she heard in response of her few .

Suddenly remembering , she slammed her pen down on the book , catching the attention she wanted from jieun " I Forgot ! I saw him outside! Is he still following you around eun ? "

The other girl's eye fluttered , already exposing her " n-no .. "
One look in renae's eyes was all it took for hers to fly away , knowing very much that the fire would burn someone and she didn't want to be them " I t-think he is s-still doing that .."

Renae shot up as soon as she heard what she hated , her blood boiling just the same when she laid eyes on the boy by the door.
Already feeling suspicious of his early arrival to school as she never saw him here this early .

Storming out of class and whooshing by some students that stared at her in wonder of her angered state .
Ignoring every single thing she pumped in , she roamed through the whole school .
Fuming in even more anger as it was growing worse every passing minute where she didn't have him in her hands , choking to death and begging for mercy .

"I'm so going to fucking kill you lee chan !"

" uh , should I report this to the police or feel threatened even tho I'm not them ?"


Uhm hi ..
I'm back but I'll be gone again dw I won't annoy you for that long .
But at least I updated this crab !


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