9 » interrupted Crime.

7 1 0

Turning to the side, it took her no time to launch at the person, taking him off his feet and colliding against the ground along with him as they were sent crashing down against the grass- luckily for them

She quickly cradled the guy, pressing him down to cease his moving and chances of running away from her grasp- having finally found him after a long search.
His eyes were widened as she glared at them, clearly taken off guard and shocked.
She scoffed at his expression, face quickly falling back to cold and scary before she spat out " what's so shocking huh? I think i already warned you not to go near jieun didn't i?"

The boy barely breathed with her knees pressing down on his chest, oxygen not enough to evem reach his lungs, so it was more than expected to not get an answer from him- which was in his advantage beacuse she didn't know what she would do to him if she heard his voice.
" i warned you, nothing will save you now-"

" renae?" a voice Interupted from behind, making the girl sigh harshly before slowly turning her to look at the one the voice came from, only to find it belonging to none other than park jisung. Staring down at her and conflicting from her to the guy underneath her in confusion.

He noticed her annoyed behaviour and the tounge poking on the inside of her cheek, regreting even looking their way- but he couldn't help it since they disturbed his peaceful nap.

" im trying to commit murder over here, do you mind?" he stared at her, looking for any sight of playfulness or sarcasm, but sealed his lips shut when he found none.

He was getting anxious and worried of her stoic and serious face, looking away as he straightened his bent back" no..? But the teacher is- just.. Never mind "

And with that, he left her with the boy under her alone again, in the hands of fate to save him.

The small guy bent down on the ground was trying to squirm his way from underneath her, the taller not even minding the fact that he probably can see her underwear- mind only filled with images of her chocking him out of this world.

She striked his nose with her knuckles, a crack sounding followed by the guy's screams and hisses of hers.

. . .

" uh, are you sure your finger is okay? Because it doesnt look like it.." asked the girl in a whisper, eyes looking upfront at the man that rambled away with small glances at the said girl's hand to make sure they wouldnt get caught.

She glanced her friend's way once, eyes falling back to said hand and completely blue finger, swollen and clearly not in place " honestly, no. I'm almost one hundred percent sure it's broken." jieun gave her a look of sympathy, but she could see the guilt shining in her eyes.

She was always like this, she would take blame for things she had little participantion in or none at all, taking its fault upon herself every time.

She remembers one day back in 4th grade, when jieun's brother didn't show up to pick her from school and she was too scared to walk home alone, so renae took her home.

The next day she didn't go to school because she had caught a fever somehow, that somehow being a whole tub of vanilla ice cream 'laying in the fridge and waiting to be eaten', and the former girl visited after school crying and apologizing endlessly, and renae didn't have the heart to tell her it was because of her huge appetite.

" look, it's not your fault, you didn't do anything he just pisses me off. I guess this is what I get for looking for every chance to pick a fight with him." she shrugged, jieun giggling quietly in response at her confession.

They were now seated in math, chatting away and not concentrating on the teacher solving unrealistic problems, until the pain got too much for the girl to handle and decided to head to the infirmary.

As she walked into the office, the nice lee lady took notice of her, greeting and ushering her in " miss Choi, please do come in!"

Nurse Lee was a  24 years old young lady, she was the sweetest person the girl had ever known, due to her occasional visits to the infirmary.

She was welcoming and gentle, tender with her approach and light with her touch.
She always wore a smile, and the girl always returned it with content.

So as she gestured for her to take a seat on one of the beds, she complied, the older girl soon by her side " so, what's wrong dear? Anything I can solve with a plug?" Renae immediately lit up in red at the indication, quickly denying it as her arms flailed about " No! God no, it's nothing like that, uh uh, nope, never!"

The nurse chuckled quietly, kindly meeting eyes with the Choi to reassure her that it was just a joke " I'm sorry, really, just breath." and breath she did, throwing her an ' intimidating glare' that didn't even last a second, til her eyes were back to softening, smiling along the nice lady.

The older one apologized once more, before going back to focus " tell me, what seems to be the problem?"

And that's when Renae lost her smile, cringing as she remembered why she was here in the first place " yeah, that.
It's just, I, here just take a look at it." she put her hand out for the Lee to take, examining it with ease and care, wincing upon landing sight on the swollen, purple ring finger " oh Ren, how'd you get that, its clearly broken." she gazed up at her with tenderness, sympathy shining in her kind eyes.

She also held flicks of scolding in them, knowing of the girl's tendency to get into unnecessary fights and trouble for the slightest of reasons.

" yeah I guessed it was, it sure feels like it." Renae shrugged, appearing careless when in reality she just didn't really want to appear weak, and the nurse took notice " I'm sorry Renae, there's nothing that I can really do, but I could give you something for the pain,"

Said girl smiled in gratitude nodding as the woman went to fill her a cup of water and bring her some painkiller, and she waited patiently.

She was handed a glass of water and some pills before the woman sat before her, concern shining in her eyes " you might want to go to the hospital for that, don't you dare leave it like that, if you do, it's as good as gone."

The girl sighed deeply, nodding affirmatively " I kinda pity whoever I'm getting married too, he's gonna need a ring his size." she sarcastically said, shaking her head in mock discouragement, Lee laughing along her sarcasm.

" I guess you're good to go, here I'll write you a pass. Go get that checked and head straight home. And Ren? " the girl hummed in response, looking back at the older woman " no more fighting, please."

She winced at that, knowing that she couldn't make any promises, violance ran through her veins.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2023 ⏰

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