Part XV: Think Fast or Perish...and I Refuse to Perish! (Bewitching Arc)

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Warning: Not for the faint of heart or innocent minded...only warning.


Burglar: "Keep pushing ya' yellow bellies!"


Burglar: "If you're not gonna be smart enough to escape danger, at least be fast enough to outrun it!"

Can't escape...People need to be protected...

Burglar: "People that you care about will be your biggest weakness! That includes your brother! Forget about them and focus on yourself!"

That's not an option...

How many of these skeletons do I have left to kill? Hundreds? Thousands? Millions? Will I have enough strength to kill that many? How long will I have to wait for backup?

Witch: "(Y/N)! Watch out!"

I tiredly look to the left to see a skeleton raise a sword over its head. I grab its bony hands and push it down.

(Y/N): "HAHHH!"

I crunch its skull with my shield and slowly rise up. Panting and almost stumbling over myself the skeletons start to blur.

(Y/N): "Keep fighting..."

I aimlessly swing my sword at any silhouette until I felt my weight leaning on someone...

?????: "Backup is here! Charge the skeletons and save that party!"

Witch: "If you can hear me, you can relax now...I don't know how you were able to fight off so many skeletons but you bought us just enough time for backup...You really do put a spell on women with what you say and do...just like you did on me too."

That was the last thing I heard before knocking out.


I rose from where I was sleeping to see many people looking through the ruins. One of the leaders noticed and walked up to me.

Caring Leader: "How are you feeling, young man?"

I roll my shoulders and cautiously get up. I crack my neck, knuckles, and wrists.

Caring Leader: "Looks like you speak without wor-"

(Y/N): "Where are they?"

Caring Leader: "You mean your woman and guide? They're just by the entrance of the ruins."

(Y/N): "Alright..."

I exhale sharply and the leader smiles.

Caring Leader: "You know, you really held your own to protect your're obsidian rank? You fight like a Steel rank, dare I say Sapphire."

I walk to Witch and Guide and they looked surprised.

(Y/N): "What." I say with a cold tone.

Witch: "Surprised to see you up already."

(Y/N): "No time to rest. We have to get back down this mountain."

Witch: "But what about the ruins?"

(Y/N): "Not my p-ughhh..."

I have a splitting headache and I hold my head.

Witch: "(Y/N)!"

My head was ringing until a voice came out.

Dark Elf: 'Come into the ruins if you dare, warrior.'

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