seven. promises

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seven. promises

Skye had begun to fall into the routine of waking up in the morning and heading to the Wreck. While working a minimum wage job wasn't as bad as she initially expected, it was tiring; being on her feet for eight hour days was not something she was accustomed to. Often times, her legs would ache after a few days of work in a row.

Kiara has ensured her father scheduled the pair for the same shifts so Kie was able to pick the girl up and drive her home.

Skye had been in the Outer Banks for two weeks. While she was becoming more familiar with the group, she still had the paranoia and nervousness that had been conditioned into her. She would still flinch if movement was too quick towards her or get stressed out if someone did something that seemed off. While she tried her damndest to bury it away and let it remain in Blue Point with Amber, deep down she was still partially the same girl.

After only working less than a dozen shifts at her place of employment, Skye was most certainly one of the best employees Mr. Carrera had. Something else Skye had learned was to always be the best at what you did, and she was a quick learner.

After working a busy Friday night at the seafood joint, the group elected to go out on the HMS Pogue. Skye had taken a shower and changed into a pair of black and white dolphin shorts, as well as a navy t-shirt.

Kiara has to head home to change after dropping Skye off, leaving Skye and JJ waiting for John B to be ready before they departed to pick up the others.

JJ and Skye were seated on the couch, JJ holding his phone out in front of her to show her memories shared by the group. He was laughing as he swiped through the pictures, a small smile coming to Skye's lips and giggles escaping every few swipes.

Every few minutes, JJ would stumble upon something he called a "gem," leading to him explaining the story behind the image. An example was a picture of John B and JJ at thirteen years old, the pair hanging in the back of a trunk. They were not focused on the camera, their legs hanging out of the vehicle. Apparently, they had convinced Big John to allow them to sit in the open trunk as he drove down the block and back. JJ recalled how slick they felt as if they had manipulated the grown man into doing something.

John B then emerged from the room, leading to the group heading out of the home and out to the boat.

John B jumped on first, followed by JJ. JJ held a hand out for Skye, allowing her to lean on him to get on to the boat. She took the hand in hers, jumping on the boat and rocking slightly; JJ held her arm tightly to ensure she was steady.

Something about the simplicity of the life they all lived was appealing to her; she could definitely get used to the sort of work, beach, rinse, repeat, lifestyle they shared.

It was refreshing to just be someone besides Amber Byrne. While the memories of home still haunted her, it was becoming easier for her to put them aside and focus on what was in front of her. Skye Arturo didn't have a painful past.

John B started the boat, driving in the direction of the Heyward's home. Skye sat against the bow, her legs stretched out in the boat. JJ sat on the bow, his legs hanging over towards the water below. The speed of the boat caused mists of water to spray his bare legs.

The sun was beginning to sink lower and lower in the sky, the heat slightly diminishing. The island air, however, carried a certain mugginess. 

 Skye rose to her feet carefully, pulling her butt on to the elevated bow. She sat with her back to JJ, the boy turning his head slightly for a moment to acknowledge her presence.

 "How are you doing, Blue?" the boy questioned, his voice slightly raised over the sound of the cutting through the waves.

 A small smile tugged at her lips at the nickname, her body facing John B. The boy gave her a small nod and a smile, her returning it. She then directed her attention at the water being churned by the boat to the left of John B.

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