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Dear Prischelle,

I actually didn't expect to see you earlier. I went to a convenience store to buy a chuckie and was about to turn around when I saw you at the the big circle mirror placed near the ceiling, hiding behind the shelve while looking at....me? Or maybe the chuckie I'm holding? But I couldn't understand why you have to hide.

I assumed that you're hiding because of me for there's no one wandering inside the convenience store to look for food except us, and the cashier who's sitting behind the counter.

And to make it sure, I suddenly turn around and simply glance at you. I couldn't hide my smile when I saw you blush while facing the box of condoms.

After paying my drink, I went outside and stood at the corner of the convenience store where less people would notice that I'm standing there. And when I saw you come out, you are looking around so I hide very well. Then you pouted and started to walk away. I waited for about a minute before walking after you.

You look cute with your pouted lips. Perhaps, are you looking for me? I'm flattered and feel...happy.

Fucking happy.


Dear Prischelle [Epistolary]Where stories live. Discover now