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Dear Prischelle,

The next day, Janna wants us to have dinner together. I want to decline. I badly want to decline and just be with you instead. But she sent me a video of her, trying to cut herself. I don't want her to hurt herself and I don't want to be at fault so I said yes.

So when you approached me on the park, I was shocked. Then you asked questions that I couldn't answer. My mind is in turmoil. Janna is capable of hurting any one who blocks her way and I'm afraid that she'll touch you.

So I did my best to ignore you. Even if my mind is shouting to hug you because of missing you so much. I really do miss you.

I don't want to do this, Prischelle. Ignoring you like this pained me. But for the sake of your peacefulness, I'll do everything.

I'll definitely find a way to end this so I could be with you again. I miss you so damn much.


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