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Dear Prischelle,

Moving is really tiring. I'm now in my new room. My bed is now here but some other furnitures are still on the way. I choose to place my study table at the window so I could look at the peaceful road any time.

I like the place already. I feel like we'll start beautiful here. I can even see my Mom talking to someone. I see that she already made friends. That fast.

I was admiring the place when my eyes landed to my neighbor's window on the second floor. The curtains were moved to the side so I can clearly see who's inside. And I don't know if I'm just imagining things but I actually see you.

You are facing the road through your window as well and writing. I bit my lips to stop myself from smiling but I can't help it.

I can't believe that we're neighbors! Life is really beautiful, isn't it? I feel so lucky. Dang.

I love how destiny works sometimes.


Dear Prischelle [Epistolary]Where stories live. Discover now