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Dear Prischelle,

I actually went to cafeteria early so I could find an available seat. I want to eat with you this time so I sat at the table where you ate yesterday.

I already ordered my meal and waiting for you. I'm planning to approach you this time. I'm excited yet nervous at the same time.

And when I saw you, I sat up straight and was about to get your attention when I see that you're with someone. My shoulder sank and look down to my meal. Starting to eat it sadly.

And I saw that you two picked the seat near me. Damn. I felt more sad about it. I may look like I'm focused on eating but I keep on glancing at you two. I can't help it. I'm fucking jealous of the guy you are eating with. Damn. Who that fuck is that?

He noticed me staring at you and saw him chuckle. I arched an eyebrow and stabbed my pork using a fork.

I was interrupted when I heard a chair fell. My glance went to the guy who looks really pissed and ready to fight. I sigh, having no appetite anymore. But when I saw him pulled a chair and throw it just somewhere else, I stood up to my seat fast—not minding the chair that made a loud sound when it almost hit you.

I shoot the guy a deadly glare. When I saw the guy punched the man you're with, my visions darkened. As fastly as I could, I went to you and hold your arm. I was already mad the moment he almost hit you with a chair.

I punched the hell out of him until the Professor stopped me and ordered us to go to the guidance office.

I was worried, damn it. How can he do that to you?


Dear Prischelle [Epistolary]Where stories live. Discover now